Chapter X

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"Maybe I've made a mistake..." I thought to myself while being pulled by Maison. I would have been better off just running than trusting this creepy guy. It felt like I'd been walking for an hour in awkward silence, struggling to keep up with the strange realtor's long and fast strides. And then he stopped abruptly, forcing me to bump roughly into his back. He didn't budge at all from the force of my weight against him. I didn't like the fact that was that close to him, so I quickly jumped back and apologise quietly. It was then that I noticed that we were standing just outside of a house and a for sale sign on the curb.

"This is the house?!" I exclaimed as I stare that the property in shock.

"Oh, do you see something you like after all? I'm not surprised, this house is in VERY GOOD condition."

"That's not the issue here! You don't think I can seriously afford this place, right? This place is HUGE!"

"Hehe... Quite the flatter I see."

"Is he seriously not listening to me now!"

"I assure you, the price is VERY reasonable and I'm willing to haggle greatly. The... SELLER... is simply looking to sell fast," Says Maison with his never moving smile. But what took my attention was his choice of words, then looked back at the house. Something had been up with this, it was sounding fishier the more this realtor talked it up.

"Ok, what's the catch then?" I asked as I was simply not buying the whole.


"Yeah, come on man. Why is the seller trying to get rid of this beautiful house? Did someone die in it or something?"

"... Of course not." He said. His pause worried me greatly. I guess honesty is out the window when you are working as a realtor, and I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that realtors had to disclose that information to buyers or something, right?

"Simply come inside and take a look around. No strings attached. You'll LOVE it when you see the inside. You won't be able to walk away from a deal like this, dear buyer." Maison said as he stood completely in front of the door. Something definitely felt wrong about all of this...

"Yeah, no, I'm definitely not doing this." I thought to myself. I just can't shake the nervous feeling and decided it'd be better to get out of here. He is a realtor, after all, I'm sure he'll understand that I'm not planning to buy it anyways. Plus; a big place like this is far too much for one person.

"Listen, Mr Talo... I think I'm gonna have to drop out of the walkthrough. I don't want to lead you on to a sale after all. I'm sure you'll find someone who'll love this place!" I said with a cheerful tone while I stand firm of my answer. Maison however didn't say anything, and his smile quickly changed to a frown. He just stood there, ever so silent and not so pleased looking. It honestly began to scare me a bit.

"Uh... Yeah... So I'm going to go now. I'm so sorry for wasting your time. I'll hold on to your card, I will for sure call you when I'm ready to buy! I appreciate your time." Maison just stared at me for a few moments, before walking back towards the house, stepping carefully down the concrete path and through the door, his head peeking out for a few moments to sadly plead to me before disappearing. I won't deny that I do feel slightly bad, but I can't take this place as a home.

With a faint smile, I shook my head one last time to show that I won't be changing my mind any time soon. I watched as Maison pulled his head back inside and closed the front door. I could have sworn that I heard a low rumbling growl emitting from the house before I left. Now the only thing I could hope for is that I'm able to find a room now.





It felt like hours before I finally made my way back into the city. I was tired, I have to find a hotel as soon as possible. Before it gets any later. And to top up all the stress, I still have yet to massage my parents! I can only hope they weren't worried about me too much... The streets were so quiet, peaceful, till I jumped at the sudden ringing in my pocket.

"Someone calling me..." I thought to myself as I quickly pulled out my phone and answered it. Of course, I was fumbling with the touch screen, as I haven't completely recovered from the unexpected scare.

"Hello, Y/n...?"

"Ah yes, that's me. How can I help you?"

"Ah, yes... We solved that little issue we were having, so if you'd like to go ahead and go to the apartment, it's all ready for you."

"Oh my gosh, really!? That's great news! Thank you, I'll head right there!"

"We look forward to your business and remember- Uncanny Valley apartment company is dedicated to finding the perfect home for you. Our realtor free guarantee since 1992."


And with that, the phone conversation ended when the other end hanged up. Not that I was sad about it. I didn't have time to even think about anything, or even about their odd tagline, I was just happy that I could finally go home and rest my weary head and lay my poor, sore feet off.

"Yes!!" I said to myself as I couldn't contain my excitement anymore. I was just so excited to get home, so I rushed my way through the streets of the city while passing by everyday people who live here and made my way towards my new home. I did notice this one person though as I walked across the road, but I couldn't care or even stop now. I couldn't wait to get home. And once I get there, I'll give my parents a message before going to sleep. It's been a long day after all.

Now that all the crazy and unplanned events have been over and done with, put behind in the past, I honestly thought that was going to be the end of it all. However, I was unaware that someone was watching me. And little did I know, that one person will not only change my life but will turn it upside down.




(You guys know who will be appearing in the next chapter!😁)

John Doe and meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin