Chapter II

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"Okay, I'll go to the cafe before anything else. And hopefully, I'll be able to message my parents." I said as I heard my stomach making noise, asking to be fed. I don't think I'll go any longer without eating something, I'd most likely collapse if I don't eat something. Plus; coffee sounds pretty good right now.

After what felt like a long yet short walk, I finally made it to the nearest cafe. It was a small building but quaint, and I can hear the chatter of the random patrons inside. I slowly step inside the building and as I did, I was hit with the rich and smooth scent of brewing coffee and with the sweet scent of baked goods.

The smell alone just makes my stomach growl even louder, demanding that I should just rush up to the counter and place an order as quickly as possible. It wasn't long till my order was ready and without wasting any more time, I snatched my dinner for the day and scurry over to the furthest table, and began to scarf them down. The coffee was thick and strong, as it slides down my throat. It was slower than expected. It was an odd sensation, but strangely not bad. Not bad at all...

The same can be said for the cake. It's equally an odd experience; even though I did decide on coffee cake, the flavour seems to be different with each bite I take. It also makes it harder to get used to eating it. There's also something strange about it, there were hard bits throughout it. And I could even hear the sounds of pops and sizzles, like how pop rocks would sound, but it tasted like cinnamon. Normally I stop and question what I was eating and what could be in it. Even I could tell you that no cake should be making any form of sound when biting into it... But I was so hungry right now though...

"As much as I hate it but I will have to deal with weird food and get it all into my stomach as quickly as possible," I said to myself. And in between my eating, I pulled out my and opened up my messages. I did say that I would let my parents know that I'm alright.

"Hey, dad. I just wanted to send you and pops a message to let you know that I'm okay. You both will probably be busy right now, but message me back when you see this. Bye."

Once I sent the message, I put my phone away and went back to my food, only being more slower. I REALLY wasn't in a hurry, or even want to finish it... but it is what it is. And I wasn't going to be that one person who would throw away their food just after a couple of bites. As I was focusing on my food, I haven't even noticed that an older-looking man was sitting down at the table in front of me.

"Oh! I didn't notice you. Um... Hello? Can I help you?" I asked the man while greeting him. I try my best to keep my calm, but even when I made eye contact with him, there was almost something unsettling about him. Could it be because he appeared out of nowhere without me realizing it... Or was it because of the unmoving grin that stayed on his face? I watched as the strange man adjusted his burning red yet crimson blazer and cleared his throat. I noticed that he had some odd movements, and was so stiff to top it all off. It was like he was made out of cardboard.

"You're new in town. Lost and wandering. You need a new place to call your own." Say the strange man as his grin shifted to a smile, yet still unsettling. However, the way that he talked took me by surprise; his voice was so smooth. Far different from what I was imagining it to be. And his tone was unmoving, while it may have a bit of cheer to it, it was still dull. Like he has given the same speech a million times.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Maison Talo, the number 1 realtor in all of Uncanny Valley. I can help you to find your dream home TODAY." He quickly snatched his card out from his breast pocket, only for another identical business card to pop up to take its place.

"I'm totally not going to question that..." I thought to myself as I watched Maison's movements very carefully. He offered the card out to me, making his hand uncomfortably close to my face. It made me pull back slightly while flinching at the same time.

"Should I even trust this guy? Everything about him was setting me off. But he does look honest if you were to overlook the slight shady side to him, but how do I explain that a company already has me set up... But as a person who was raised in a decent household, I really can't bring myself to say no..." I honestly have no clue what I should do, both my mind and emotions were battling it out. So what did I do? I slowly reached my hand out and took his card.

"Give me a call and we can get you set up in a new house TODAY. GUARANTEED."




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