Chapter VIII

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"Uh... Hello..? Can I help you, sir?" I asked nervously. The stranger didn't say anything, he just stares at me for a moment longer before adjusting his bright red blazer, while brushing his hair back, only for half of it to fall back down into his face.

"You're new in town. Lost and wandering. You need a place to call your own." The stranger replied. The way he talked surprised me, his voice was so smooth as if he's given the same speech a million times.


"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Maison Talo, the number one realtor in all of Uncanny Valley. I can help you find your dream home TODAY." He said as he quickly snatched a business card from his breast pocket, only for another identical card to pop up to take its place.

"That looks familiar..." I thought as I kept my stare on the card as he offered it out to me, his hand uncomfortably close to my face, making me flinch back a bit before taking it.

"Give me a call and we can get you set up in a new house. TODAY. GUARANTEED." 

"Uh... Ok? I should tell you, I already have an apartment lined up, so I don't think I'm in a place to be buying a whole house."

After I said that, it was quiet between us. No words were said, and I could have sworn that Maison's expression had changed slightly. His creepy smile remained but his eyes widened. I couldn't tell how he must have felt, but I couldn't help but feel like I have offended him.

"...That's quite alright. I'm sure you'll be giving me a call, I am the number one realtor in all of Uncanny Valley after all. I have never disappointed a buyer. You'll love the house I've found just for YOU. I'll be waiting."

Before I could say anything else, the strange realtor walked away from me, I didn't even get the chance to argue with him! All I could do was watch as he left as his long legs carried him faster than expected. Rather than thinking about it, I just shrugged it off and put the business card in my pocket, no harm in holding onto it in case if something happens with the new apartment.

Instead of leaving right away, I decided to remain on the bench for a little while longer. However, I noticed that the large crowd of businessmen that I was contemplating were now gone. I sigh deeply to myself and have pushed myself off the bench and made my way to my new home.





"This is it." I thought to myself as I approach my new apartment complex, my heart began to feel warm at the sight and couldn't help but think about how you're finally getting a much-needed change in my life. I took a deep breath in, taking in the cool, clean air of the valley and stepped forwarded to find my apartment number.

"Ah, here it is!" I said as I found my door.

"This is so exciting, I've wanted my own apartment for a while." I went and turn the handle but the door didn't budge as I twist the handle. I tried again, but it still won't open.

"It's locked..."

"What the heck? They said that the door would be unlocked when I got here... I should give them a call..." I said with a slight frown while pulling out my phone and dialling the number.

"Hello, Uncanny Valley apartment hunters, how can I help you?"

"Uh, hello... I'm y/n, I'm supposed to move in today but my apartment door is locked?" The person remained silent, all I could hear were the sounds of paper shuffling on the other side of the line, followed by what I can only describe as the roars of an animal that I can't place.

"Ah, yes... You... We had a little issue with your apartment and it won't be ready until tomorrow. Our apologies."

"What do you mean something happened? I don't have anywhere else to go." I said. Normally I won't make a big fuss about something, but I can't just let this slide. The only thing I could hear were the sounds from a typewriter. It was silent for a few moments and then a loud, annoyed sigh.

"We've been having some issues."

I've waited for an actual, elaboration, but all I got was a long awkward silence. But I wasn't giving up! If I'm going to live here, then I have every right to know what happened and what the issue was.

"Yeah, but what are the issues?" I asked but all I heard was more typing and paper tearing..? Is that a blender that I'm hearing?

"You're apartment will be ready tomorrow. Do you need anything else, y/n?"

"That doesn't even answer my question!" I thought as I slowly got annoyed with this person. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was sigh in defeat. I looked around and there was nothing much I could really do now in this situation besides look for a hotel. Plus, I'm not going to argue with someone who's not going to say anything to me.

"No... That's it, thank you. Please call me as soon as my apartment is ready."

"Of course. Good day."

And with that, they hung up and left me standing in front of the building, which I should have been in by now! Some help they were...

"...Now what...? I said while shoving my hands in my pockets and being absent mined. However, I then felt the hard piece of paper that was crushed against my fist. And once I pulled the paper out of my pocket, I remember Maison. Maybe...

"Yeah right, I was lucky to afford this apartment, I can't buy a house right now... Still, it probably wouldn't hurt to call and see what's available..."

"Should I call Maison, or not..."




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