::Wilbur X Male!Reader::

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Not proofread

Warnings: sickness mentions, vomit, vulnerability 

Im so sorry for not updating for a long time, life has been stressful and i've been trying to manage it all alone :, (


"Yeah I don't think I can come to work today..." I said over the phone fighting back the urge to cough. I was sat up against my bed, holding my stomach with my arm in excruciating pain. "Why not? You know we need you today" My boss said over the phone in an annoyed tone. I sighed and closed my eyes tightly. "I'm sick sir, I don't think I would finish my shift" when I reopened my eyes, Wilbur walked into the room with a smile. He was going to say something but closed his lips seeing I was on the phone. I rose a finger up to him as he nodded and left the room quickly to give me privacy. I heard my boss sigh very audibly as of for me to hear him. "You better be good tomorrow (y/n)" My boss said as I thanked him. He gave me a simple goodbye and cut the line first. I sighed not wanting to feel worse than I already was. I closed my phone and tossed it beside me. I leaned my head back towards the headboard, feeling the uncomfortableness on my flat head but ignored it. "What did he say?" I heard Wilbur ask as he walked back in with a towel. "He got mad but I don't care anymore. My body hurts too much" I whined as Wilbur made his way towards my side of the bed and pulled up a stool. He gestured for me to lay down properly as I did as I was told. 

He gently pulled my hair away from my forehead and ears. He placed the damp towel against my forehead. I smiled feeling the cold sensation cool my warm body temperature. "Do you want to eat some soup? Or is it too early for lunch?" Wilbur asked as he looked down at his watch to check the time. "It is currently ten in the morning, would you like some coffee instead?" Wilbur asked as I simply shook my head yes. "Can you get me some sweet bread as well?" I asked as Wilbur nodded and left the room.

 I closed my eyes trying to distract myself from the pain I was feeling all over. My stomach felt like it was being repeatedly punched by some small child. My head felt like a boiling pot wanting to boil all over a stove top. A small sigh escaped my chapped lips. Feeling sick was the worst feeling at all. The pain was one thing, but not being able to do anything was a second. I didn't enjoy being taken care of at all. Of course I like it when Wilbur does things for me, or does things without me telling him. But, having him to change my forehead towel, cook me food, having to help me bathe is hell. 

I heard the creak of the door of the room open as I sat up against the headboard again. I smiled seeing Wilbur walk in with a hot mug that he bought for me for our one year anniversary and a plate with three pieces of sweet bread. "You know, I got myself one too to see what the hype is all about this Mexican sweet bread" Wilbur said as he pulled a side table and placed the food down. He stood back up to help me readjust a lot closer to him. "I promise you...You will like it" I said struggling to finish my sentence. I cleared my throat as Wilbur eyed me carefully as I shook my hand at him.

 "You should try it first, I wanna see your reaction" I said with a smile. Wilbur turned his attention back to the bread and nodded. "So do I just dip the bread inside the coffee correct?" Wilbur said as I nodded. "For how long?" He asked again as I snickered. "For like a few seconds but not too long or your bread will break and fall in. It's happened to me multiple times" I said as Wilbur carefully took his piece of bread and dipped it inside the coffee in an angle and brought it out. "Now what do I do?" Wilbur asked as I ushered for him to eat his piece. Wilbur shoved the soaked part into his mouth and immediately started fanning his mouth. "Its...So hot!" He cried out as I mentally face palmed. "Of course it is! The coffee is piping hot" I laughed at how he finally finished his bite and held his hand over his heart. "I almost burned off my tongue and you're over here laughing?! How could you" Wilbur complained playfully as I snorted, covering my mouth as I laughed. 

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