::Quackity X Male! Reader::

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not proofread

warnings: angst, self hatred talk, crying, talks about feelings, make out, slight suggestive content, etc
I'm so sorry I've been MIA ;, (


I threw my hands into my hair in anger as nothing was making any sense. I kept re-reading the documents but nothing was registering in my brain. I tried pulling it apart, little by little, but having to google the big fancy words was taking too long for me. "Fuck!" I shouted to myself as I ran a cold hand down my face, rubbing at my eyes a bit. I was having a very normal morning. Having some hot coffee with some croissants and watching the news channel for the weather until I received a phone call from my boss, laying me off. It was hard already finding a sustainable job in this economy so I tried to not let it bother me as I continued with my morning, ignoring the urge to scream. I then proceeded to get my morning mail and I received hospital bills meaning I was very deep into debt from an emergency procedure I had to get done.

"How is my insurance not covering any of this shit?! Do they know this wasn't a surgery I just wanted to get out all of a sudden?" I shouted as I grabbed onto the papers and threw them down at my coffee table in despair. "Okay, I can fix this. I can...fix this" I said over and over trying to convince myself that everything was alright, everything was okay. I stood up from my couch and walked towards my drawer in the kitchen, where I keep important documents in. I pulled it out so I could place in the hospital bills until a red envelope caught my eye. I pulled it out and ripped it open and felt my heart drop down to my feet. I felt myself physically recoil as this months rent was due two weeks ago meaning I had to pay a big fee. I chuckled to myself feeling my whole life starting to fall apart. I grabbed the bill with my hands and fought back the urge to crumple up the paper and rip it apart. I placed my hands on the kitchen counter and let my head drop. As if in cue, my tears began to fall from my eyes. My eyebrows were tightly knitted together as one hopeless sob came out of me. I don't cry, that's not a thing I do. I bottle these things up and don't let my friends, family and even boyfriend know I'm struggling.

The unfamiliar mess of crying made my hands tremble as my knees finally gave out making me fall on my ass on the kitchen floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and continued to sob. This wasn't supposed to happen at all. If only I remembered to pay rent, if only I never got that emergency procedure done, if only I kissed up my boss's ass more, I wouldn't be in this mess. But, the damage is already done. I'm living in the present and all of my consequences are in the future. I felt my cheeks get wetter and wetter by letting my tears flow continuously without wiping my face. I could feel my eyes welling up by how much tears they were shedding. The soft sounds of my TV could be heard in the background but the loudest noise in the room is the sound of my inner child breaking.

A sudden ringing brought me out of my bubble as I stopped sobbing for a moment. It was the sound of my ringtone. I sprawled up to my feet and fetched my phone to see it was my boyfriend calling me, Quackity. "Fuck!" I murmured as I pulled my shirt up and wiped my face quickly, making sure my voice didn't sound like it was wailing a few seconds ago. I cleared my throat as I finally picked up his phone call and threw a smile. "Hey! How are you?" I said being my self that everyone loves and knows about. "Hey (y/n)! Just got off work, the video we were recording for took a bit too long but it's all done. Hey, I was thinking if you wanted to like go to target or something?" Quackity said as I could hear he was in his car, blasting his music all the way up like he does. "Hmm, let me see if I have anything planned for today" I said as I walked over to my calendar and saw all the reminders I set myself for this months rent, the reminders to call up my insurance and reminders to call my boss for extra shifts. I felt my eyes wanting to pop open as I closed my calendar a bit too harshly and sighed. "Nope! All clear! Give me like fifteen minutes to get ready" I said as Quackity agreed and ended the call. As soon as the phone call ended, my lips curled down into a frown and the tears came rushing down like a waterfall. "God...why am I such a fuck-up.." I cried out as I pushed through and went to my bedroom to get changed.

::MCYT x MALE READER::Where stories live. Discover now