Chapter 44[OLD]

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Mi hands a small box to me and I take a look inside. A small container and a white translucent coin that looks normal at first sight, but is the artifact Zerpen.

The use for this coin is currently unknown but the fact that it absorbs mana at an incredible rate already proves that it is an artifact.

Some nobles have speculated that it might improve the innate cultivation rate of people and have scrambled to secure it. Although it took longer than expected, Ardeus managed to smuggle it into my hand

I pour mana into it for testing, it greedily sucks up everything to the last bit. It's genuine.

I smile.

The real purpose of this coin...I know it. Now other than this coin, I will need the artifact of Heptasus and Irina. Heptasus is a ring that is said to be Pyro's treasure while Irina is a pair of broken arrows.

These three will be the key to "that" tomb.

Storing the items in my mana storage, I follow Mi back.

Back at the mansion, the maids greet me with glee. "Young Master, the lady is waiting for you in her office." A maid at the entrance says.

I smile and nod. "Thank you."


The atmosphere is tense and I can sense it outside the room. I knock on the door. "Mom, it's me."

"Come in."

I swing the door open and find my mother glaring at the letter on the desk. My siblings are gathered on the couch at the side and my father is anxiously sweating in the corner of the room.

Walking in, I ask "What's wrong?"

Mother turns her attention to me and sighs. "Loi, does an adventurer communicate very much?"

"Doesn't everything, including adventurers, require communication skills?" I reply.

My mother heaves a sigh of relief. "I suppose you understand a little. Do you know how to act at a noble party?"

"Not exactly," I say. "I've come into contact with nobles but those are usually commissions. They treat E-Rank trash like me worse than the horse pulling the carriages."

I can feel my mother's anger but she isn't showing it. As a runaway princess, she must have attended several events like this.

"Loi, do you remember anything about the nobles from your past life?" Says my mother.

"Pretty much except the Viscount Kesler family," I say. I had no choice but to keep up with their achievements during my academic and adventuring days. Countless people gossiping about the same thing over and over, I could remember it without even trying to.

As an adventurer, I need to keep in touch with the noble's activities to find the best time for reaping the maximum reward.


"Alright. Dear, can you bring the kids and play with them? I have something to discuss with Loi." My mother says.

My father nods.

"Papa playing with us today?!" Christina exclaims in excitement.

"Yep! What should we play today?" My father asks as they walk out of the room.


"Have Mi told you about my origins?" My mother asks.

"Yes, except for the location."

My mother smiles. "Why would I inform you of a place I wouldn't want you to visit?"


"Do you know what nobles do when they attend a banquet?" My mother says.

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