46. New Beginning

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It's really fucking noisy.

My heightened senses pose an annoying hindrance to my daily life, taking away my peace. Over time, it seems to calm down as my head gradually filters and controls what I see and hear.

In the morning, washing my face with a bucket of water felt like using a waterfall. Even wearing some clothes explode sparking noises as the fabric creases.

I grasp my face and sigh. "I did not need to hear what my squad members do in their free time," I mumble to myself. My sanity was shattering yesterday night.


The sounds of small and quick taps. I look behind and perfectly shape out the tiny ant walking on the other side of the corridor.

I walk to the cookhouse and stop by the door. There are four tables sixteen chairs, and one vase of flowers in the corner. The counter of food is rooted at one side of the room.

Aside from the staff, four people sit around a table.

"Captain came back yesterday unconscious. A huge man carried him back, what happened?" Masoc asks.

Issac stares down and talks about the archive.

"The boss did that?" Kaden, who is usually quiet, exclaims. He fidgets with his finger as he takes a bite of his food.

Pain snaps my concentration and amazement distracts my mind. The level of information I can collect outside an enclosed room transcends human boundaries.

I push open the door and my squad members shoot up.

"Sir!" Issac exclaims.

My eyes twitch at the amplified sound. I put my finger on my lips and shut them.

I carefully lift a chair without dragging it and join them at the table.


"Shh..." I say to Masoc.

"All of my senses were amplified yesterday. So I can hear and see and feel about everything around me." I whisper.

They nod. Masoc immediately freezes and turns pale at the realisation.

"That's right. I could hear...EVERYTHING..." I say.


"Anyways, give me two...no...one day to adjust and I want to speak to everyone individually after. Continue your physical training today. For tomorrow, I need everyone to find and bring as many varieties of weapons as possible to the training grounds. That's...all." I say. The pain is acting up again.

I immediately head back into my bed and doze off.


Beneath an infinite void sky, a sea of contrast fights for reign. One side of glowing clear blue liquid illuminates to slowly consume the dark murky liquid at the other side.

A sight to behold.

At a distance in the air, a shard of ethereal brilliance lingers. Divine lines of the cosmos surround a charming diamond core with reflections of stars. Every second of gaze takes away every will to cease.

A closer inspection reveals the shard...growing?

The shard projects a phantom of stories. Those are the people I extracted.

Then this must be my sea of consciousness.

The allure urges me to move forward and touching the shard sends a blinding blast.

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