Chapter 4

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Hello everyone, this became a shorter chapter than I expected, but never mind... I put up really long and really short chapters too. :P Quite wierd. Sooo.... Idk what to say. Just enjoy. And vote. comment. fan. Pleaseeee! Thanks! :) But really, if you read it, please vote for each chapter, please, it really means so much! Thanks. :) <3 And sorry if I have any grammar mistakes, usually I don't have time to edit... (I'll need an editor!! :P) So enjoy! :)

This chapter is dedicated to Borntoobe. :)


Chapter 4

Lacie’s POV

My heart was still beating fast from Harry’s DM. For a minute I thought Liam wanted to meet me. Like really know who I was. I didn’t want to tell him who I was, but still it made my heart race. I was stupid. I knew Liam wasn’t like that, to ask me out just like that, still it made me freak out. I was sittin gin my bed, leaning to the wall, my arms holding my knees close, and typing quickly with one hand. I didn’t have a laptop so I always used my phone with the help of our neighbour’s wifi, and sometimes the school or library computers for internet connection.

„Cinderella? I love that story too J”

„That was the last story my Aunt told me… she couldn’t even finish it”

„:( Don’t think about it love’re making me emotional infront of the guys”

„:D „

„They’re already chit-chatting over me „dating a fan” like teenage girls”

My heart skipped a beat. They saw Liam DMing with me, and read my DMs... and they thought he liked me, that he was dating me! I only wish it was true... It was so hard not to know what he thought about me. Sometimes I thought I was just a pebble in his shoes to him. He was just DMing me out of pity, but he didn’t like me at all. But at least he trusted me. At least I thought. He wouldn’t have told me all these things if he knew I’d tell the world what we were talking about. And he always comforted me. He made me laugh. And he said I made him laugh sometimes too, and it seemed like he was sad too when I was. It didn’t seem like he was DMing me out of pity. He wouldn’t have DMed me that much then. It seemed like he was willing to see my new DMs. There was almost never a time when I looked at my phone and there wasn’t a new DM from him. Mostly it was me making him wait, because I was at school or working all day.


I finished washing up the floor in Starbucks, and all the dishes were washed. Missy and Carla were cleaning the tables, and I had nothing to do at the moment. There was only about half an hour left until we closed and there were only a few people left in there, finishing their drinks. I used my free few minutes, sat up on the counter, my feet tangling under me excitedly, and looked at my phone.

1 new DM from @Real_Liam_Payne

I smiled and opened it.

„The boys won’t leave me alone until I tell them what you’re up to at the moment... So you’d better answer quickly :)”

„I’m working... I answered as soon as I could ;)”

„Why are you working so much? Everytime I DM you you’re in school or working...”

„My mum hasn’t got a job. This is just for a living...”

„You work too much, stop it. I know what it’s like when you must be on foot all the time and I can tell you it’s the worst part of being famous...”

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