Chapter 20

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Okay, finally, new chapter! :)) I hope you will like it. And vote a lot quickly, because I have the epilogue ready and will update it soon too. :)) And comment too! :D Love ya all!! :*

Chapter 20

Lacie's POV

My eyes widened and my mouth opened, but no words came from them. I saw my boyfriend be shot, fall, hit his head, then faint. My boyfriend. As cheesy as that might sound, my only boyfriend. I never wanted to love anyone else. I wanted to live my life beside him, and though we were only boyfriend and girlfriend for a few weeks, I was sure I loved him with all my heart, and he loved me too, and I would fight for him forever even if he didn't love me anymore.

I wanted to run to him at once, but my legs froze. I looked at Liam's pale face, his eyebrows pulled together in pain, his eyes closed, his hands lieing lifelessly beside his body, blood trickling down his shirt. I looked at my mother's dead body, then lifted my eyes on my dad.

He pointed his gun at me, but I didn't move. I couldn't. I stood there almost saying, go on, if you want to. Then I remembered Liam was shot because of me and wanted to fight my dad, but couldn't move. Then I wanted to cry but no tears came to my eyes.

The gun trembled in my dad's hands and I was ready to hear the shot, but then he seemed to change his mind and pointed the gun at his own head.

"Now you lose everything", he said and shot.

After that everything was a blur to me. The boys called the police and the ambulance, and Liam was taken to the hospital at once. He got shot on his chest near to his heart, and for a few days he was in a coma, but then he started to heal nicely.

My mother's body was buried in the graveyard, where my aunt's body was too. No tears came to my eyes since she died. All I felt was emptiness. I needed someone. Just someone to talk to, but had no one at the moment.

The boys were worried that something bad happened to me, because I haven't talked at all since Liam got in the hospital and could barely even eat.

Weeks passed like this until one day the boys told me to go and see Liam in the hospital.

"He's healing very fast and is much better now" Louis said." He said he wants to see you... and the doctor said it might do you good too..."

I didn't know what to say. I guess I was afraid I might collapse when I see Liam, or start blaming myself too much, which the boys were somewhat able to talk me off of. But I agreed to go and see Liam in the hospital.

"Go on..." Harry gave me a reassuring smile as he drove me there.

I hoped that he might be sleeping and I would have to go back later, but he was awake. The doctors invited me gladly in his room, then left us alone with a smile.

I looked at Liam, lieing under the white sheets, infections in his body and was afraid to move.

"Hi babe..." he said with his usual mocking tone and reached out to me so I sat next to his bed, still not able to say anything.

Then I looked into his eyes and that's when I realized how much I really missed him in those last few weeks and how sorry I was.

"I love you!" I cried and burst into tears. He pulled me close and I buried my face in his shoulder.

"Shhh..." he whispered." I love you too... Everything will be fine now..." he said.


I went into the flower shop and looked around, inhaling the wonderful scent of all sorts of flowers.

"Hello, may I help you?" the woman behind the counter asked.

"Yes, I'd like to buy a bunch of white roses" I replied.

"Are they for someone special?" the woman smiled.

"Yes..." I smiled back." For my mother's birthday... it's her favourite flower" I said and sniffed a little, forcing myself not to cry.

I waited for the woman to prepare the flowers the thought for a minute and asked for something else too.

I bought the flowers then headed to the graveyard where my realtives where buried.

I stopped for a second at my aunts grave. I loved her as much as before. But she wasn't the only one I was missing now.

"I love you, auntie..." I whispered and took out a white rose from the bunch I bought my mother, and placed it on her grave.

Then I went on to my mother's grave and sat down.

I wanted to tell her something like in those romantic movies, and when I came I really felt I wouldn't have enough time to tell her everything I wanted. But as I sat down there, the wind blowing slightly about me, I felt like she knew everything I wanted to tell her.

"I love you..." It seemed like she whispered from somewhere not so far as I thougt and I closed my eyes." I will always be there with you... in your heart..."

Then I felt the emptiness leave me and I knew I really didn't have to say anything.

I opened my eyes and looked at my father's grave next to my mother's. I whished they wouldn't have to be beside each other in their death too. But then, maybe they wanted to be next to each other in death. Because death is peaceful, and in peace, nothing wrong could happen to you.

I picked another white rose from my mother's bunch of flowers and placed it on my father's grave, excepting that he was my father, and loving him for it. He must've have had some good in him too. And I believed there was a time that he truly loved my mother and gladly waited to see his little daughter...

My Cinderella (A Liam Payne fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ