Chapter 02

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Diya gestured her Pakhu... when will your prince wake up.. 

Pakhi smiled hearing her question. Diya called Vardhan Pakhu's prince.. she usually visit his room with Pakhi and speaks with him. Never bothering why he did not answer her or ask  any questions. Its been 3 years, since 3 years Vardhan is in coma. They had visited all top notch  doctors, but each one gave the same answer. No one knows when a coma patient gain consciousness. Some came out of coma within a week, months and some never wakes up. Its upto their families till when they want to keep hope. When families accept that they loved ones are never coming back, they detached the life supporting system..

These 3 years, each day pakhi hoped that today her vardhan will come back to her, but each night she gets the same disappointment. She is losing her hope and her will to live. Her health had deteriorated in these 3 years. She had been into the depression in and out. She had her first asthma attack 6 months after that day. From that day onwards each and every first aid in the house have inhaler. In these 3 years she never once left him. She always remain with him just like she promised. She is holding this relationship.

Pakhi- soon baby soon,my prince will wake up..

Diya again asked her- what will he say when he will wake up..

Pakhi smiles hearing her question, she looked at Vardhan lovingly, caresses his hair and said..

He will say, I am back Pakhi.. now where is my hug..

Diya giggle hearing her reply she slightly slapped Pakhi's forehead and  mouthed silly..

Pakhi narrowed her eyes and soon starts tickling her.. just like her father diya is intolerable to tickles.. soon diya went to her room, to sleep..

Pakhi sat beside Vardhan,,, took his hand in hers.. .

Pakhi- why its me Vardhan, who always wait for you. Why you always leave me alone. Dont you love me Vardhan.. i am longing to hear your voice.. please Vardhan please come back to me baby please.. I am dying Vardhan, please don't punished me like this, whats my fault Vardhan , whats my fault.. Pakhi slowly kept her head on his chest. Listening to his  heart beats she also sleep..

When siya entered in her room, she saw Pakhi sleeping on Vardhan's chest. This is what she usually does. She always remain with vardhan, she sleep while crying.. Siya knew that just like veer pakhi was hurting badly .. but veer still have his family with him but Pakhi she lost eveyone that day...
Pakhi 's pain is always heart wrenching for siya.. she prayed that even her enemies didn't have to go through what Pakhi was going through..
Siya watches Pakhi breaking every single day,,, she prayed to god to stop this torture on her.. 

Siya- please vardhan bhai, come back for your Pakhi she neeeds you bhai, she needs you.. ..

She tucked Pakhi under a blanket and planted a kiss on her forehead , then left the room ..

Nandini was watching Pakhi, from the window. A tear drop from her eyess. Its difficult for her to see both Pakhi and Veer dying every single day.

Siya came in her room, her eyes were watered, her heart heavy.  Diya was sleeping in her room. She smiled seeing her..

Siya- you my princess is the light and  happiness of this house.. i love you baby..

Vivan- and i love you my baby..

Vivan hugged her from back, siya slammed herself into him..

Vivan- he wiped her tears. How is she now...

Siya- breathing. I cant see her pain anymore vivan.. i can't.. siya sobbed in his arms

Vivan hugged her close. In these years siya always put a facade of bravery around her family, giving them support and strength but when she is around vivan she cries her heart out...its equally painful to watch your loved ones suffering every single day..and that's what  Vivan and Siya are doing from past 3 years..

Siya- Vivan when will it all end..  veer bhai and Pakhu when will they have their share of happiness.

Vivan- i dont know siya, nobody does. May be when god take some pity on them.. ..

Siya looked at vivan, he had changed alot gone was her naughty, cute, prankster Vivan.. the one in front of her is Mature , serious vivan. She missed that vivan... but just like everything else, her vivan also changed.. but not his love.. he still loves his siya madly.. its their love who had still bounded  everyone together.. their love creation , their diya.. their light..  both looked at their daughter, a smile carved on their faces and their both looked at each other.

Siya- thank you

Vivan- thank you..

They laughed and kissed each other...

Veer was sitting in his room. Drinking and smoking.  He had find some ways to numb his pain.. he stretched his neck.. and looked at ceiling.. her smiling face came in his view. Her eyes, her smile, he was staring her.. a lone tear fall from his eyes..

Veer- you are not going to leave me haan.. 

You know Aarohi you are a betrayer, you broke your promise that you will not leave me .  But you left me...

He tried to stand but he stumbled and fall down with a thud...  he started laughing like a mad man..

I fell again, just like how i fall for you Aaarohiiii...

Soon he sleep on floor with glass pieces lying around him..

Prithvi and Nandini entered In veer's room..

Prithvi- Nandini careful, glass pieces are there..

Nandini just nodded her head.. they both made Veer settle on bed. He was blabbering Aarohi in his sleep... Nandini and prithvi kissed his forehead and went outside.. Prthivi wiped his tears, nandini went towards her room.

Prithvi- why did you took her away.. why.  Prithvi asked his Mahadev the very same question which he asked every day..

Unknown to him, his Mahadev never snatched her from them. She was there close to them, only person who can get her was lying unconscious from 3 years.. the only person who can bring back his brother's life is Vardhan.

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