C h a p t e r 8

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"Here's a toast to my real friends.." Sophie sang as she spun around in her chair in Garcia's office. If anyone walked into the room and asked her what she was doing she would reply 'studying' but that was far from it,she was bored. Her father and the team were on a case and Garcia was too busy working with them to talk to Sophie. Haley was also busy taking of Jack so she had nothing to do. 

She had no revision to do and no homework to complete. She had watched all of her favorite Youtubers and was now listening to rep. She couldn't wait for Taylor's version to come out. (A/N:No because same).

  She had finished all of her smarties in Garcia's stash so she was a bit on a sugar rush. She then thought about this new boy called Isaac that had joined her year. It was unusual for a boy or girl to join in the middle  of the school year but Sophie didn't care. He was quiet but he made a lot of friends with his sarcastic humor and jokes. 

He had tried to approach Sophie but Sophie ignored him. Not intentionally of course, she would never do that.She was actually getting out her books from her locker for her next class when he had come up to her.

She was busy looking at her timetable that she didn't even notice him. She thought he was talking to someone else because the corridor was crowded. 

Anyways, in the middle of her class she realised what she had done and felt bad. Now she was planning to do something about it. But then, an idea came into her head just as 'Don't blame me' came on. Her prank was perfect.

The prank was that she would tell Garcia that she had been dating someone for a year and naturally Garcia would tell the team.

 If they asked her to show her boyfriend to them she would introduce him to them and then after the team has settled and the atmosphere became more comfortable, her 'fake' boyfriend would randomly kneel down and propose to her. It was a stupid and crazy idea but she didn't care. She just wanted to catch the teams reactions.

Her plan was set in motion. She had asked one of her gay friends to do it since she had no other guy friends except him and another guy. When he asked 'What's in it for me?' she then replied 'introduce you to the captain of the soccer team' and to that he immediately agreed but not before telling her she was crazy. Sophie knew that, of course she did.

Her plan started as soon as Garcia opened the door with donuts in hand and saw Sophie smiling at the phone like crazy. She was confused at that. Sophie smiling crazily could mean a lot of things.

"What's got you smiling like crazy?" Garcia asked wiggling her eyebrows placing the donuts on the table. Sophie quickly grabbed one and stuffed her mouth in it. Then,she answered Garcia's question but the answer was garbled. 

"Sorry what was that?" Garcia put her hand on her ear indicating she was listening.

"Don't tell anyone about this Garcia,anyone" Sophie narrowed her eyes. Garcia agreed nodding her head,literally jumping in her seat to hear what Sophie wanted to say. 

"So I've been dating this gu-" she got interrupted by Garcia squealing but it was basically a scream. 

"I'M SORRY WHAT?!" Garcia exclaimed shocked about the fact someone that she thought of as a little sister had a boyfriend. Sophie narrowed her eyes at Garcia telling her to shut up and Garcia nodded obediently. She then waved her hands as a 'go on' motion. 

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, I've been dating this guy and I want the team and Dad to meet him" Garcia then squealed loudly. She then asked Sophie for the name of the guy to get to know more about him. 

What she meant was, she wanted to know everything and anything about him to dig up some dirt on him. Sophie shut down the idea as soon as it came up going on about 'violation of privacy'. 

Sophie knew the plan was set now. Garcia would somehow blurt it in front of the team one way or another. 

Now she just had to wait...

(A/N: I know I said I was going to update but as I was going to do it I realised I had a test coming up so sorry about that. 3 more weeks till I go holiday!!! The summer I turned pretty is amazing. Team Conrad forever  <33. Take care of yourself and ALWAYS put yourself first. Never invalidate your feelings for shitty people. ILY. Byee <3)

 Byee <3)

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