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Sophie spun around in Spencer's desk chair staring in space as she thought about the test she had to take in school. She dreaded tests. Even though she had revised, there was a pit in a stomach that was slowly growing as the test day came closer and closer. 

And it really did not help either as this test made half of your grade for the term so it made Sophie even more stressed out. 

Sophie had learnt the hard way that if you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed. Spencer thought that way of thinking was absurd but Sophie was never really the optimist anyways. 

A hand grabbed the edge of her chair to stop her from spinning and when the dizziness finally wore off, Sophie realised it was Emily who stopped the chair. 

"Oh hey em, what's up? Sophie grinned up at her as she sat up in her chair to be more levelled with Emily. 

"Em?" Emily questioned as Sophie hopped off the chair.

" I meam, figured it would be fitting since you've joined the team now" she shrugged nonchalantly as if it was a normal thing for her but for Emily it was a different story.

She had never received a nickname or even held in that regard as her entire childhood was spent moving from country to country with her parents blatantly ignoring her existence. It sounded a bit dumb but it warmed her heart knowing she had at least made, what you could call, a shred of friendship with her bosses daughter.

 As silly as that sounded, Emily really felt like she belonged somewhere and she was grateful for Sophie for making her feel that way. 

As she was about to express her appreciation for the nickname, Sophie's dad called her from the office asking to speak to her. Emily visibly deflated and when she was about to speak Sophie interrupted

"I gotta go to school to take my test anyways, see you when I see you" and just like that she placed the chair back in front of the desk and reminded herself that she had studied for the test and nothing was going to stop her from passing. 

Spencer waved at Sophie and came up to her adjusting the strap of his bag as he walked . 

"Hey Soph, you ready for the test?" he asked remembering how much Sophie was rambling on to him about how nervous she was for the test. Sophie deflated , her surge of confidence that was once oozing through her now hung shamefully as she yet again had another reminder for it. 

"It's ok, just get 80 percent or above and you'll pass" he said nodding his head encouragingly. 

"Coming from the guy with an eidetic memory" Sophie muttered to herself. Sophie felt bad for mentioning it knowing how Spencer did get bullied for him being smart but thankfully he hadn't heard it. Sophie then checked the time on her watch then realised her test was going to start in 15 minutes so she had to hurry up

"Gotta go Spence, I'm running late. I'll talk to you all about it once I'm done, Bye now" she waved as she skipped towards the elevator. As she got into the elevator, she looked towards her dad's office and saw that Garcia was already looking at and mouthed the words 'good luck' followed by a little thumbs up which made Sophie chuckle. 

Man, did she love the people that her dad worked with. 

Thankfully, Haley drove Sophie quite fast to her school. On the way there, Sophie played with Jack and fed him cookies which Haley did give her a stern look for followed by a shake of her head. Sophie just shrugged her shoulders and said the words "What? A babies gotta eat" which did eventually make Haley chuckle.

As soon as Haley parked the car, Sophie gathered her things and kissed Haley's cheeks as a way to say bye to her.

"I'll see you after the test, bye mom" Sophie absentmindedly stated whilst slinging her backpack on her shoulder. She got out of the car and when she was nearly half way through the gates when she had realised what she had said and stopped in her tracks. She had called Haley mom. 

Meanwhile,Haley sat in her car with a huge smile on her face whilst whispering 'she called me mom' .

It took,what was the sound of the bell signifying class was starting for Sophie to realise she had to get to class or she'd be late and miss the test. She entered her class with a determined look on her face knowing if she got a pass or a fail, at least she had tried. 

Her teacher, Mr Simmons smiled at her and handed her the test papers and instructed Sophie to sit down and not open the test until everyone was seated. 

As soon as everyone was seated, they all looked up to the teacher as he told them they could finally open the test. This was it. Sophie took a deep breath before opening her test knowing her stress was gone now that she had the test paper in her hands. Nothing was going to stop her.

Until the sound of gunshots followed by people screaming was heard in the hallways 

When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth

- Hozier 

A/N: Guess who's backkk. I have to keep reminding myself that people actually read this book and it's not just this private book I wrote for myself loll. Thank you for all the reads, ily <333. Wanna update more often now but I can't decide on what to writeee. But seriously, thank you if your reading this ilysm <3 Anywayss, who's watched the Era's tour film because I need tooo. Let me know if it's good. I'll see you when i see you myloves. Make sure to put yourself first before anyone else, always. 


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