C h a p t e r 11

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"you drew stars around my scars"

She was gone

Sophie felt her heart wrenching as she tried to understand even a fraction of what was happening. Elle would tell her before just leaving, wouldn't she?

Elle was gone and there was nothing Sophie could do it about it

15 minutes earlier

Agent Hotchner was stood in his office pacing back and forth wondering how he was going to tell his daughter that one of the people she had looked up to had officially resigned and left the BAU. She was going to be crushed. 

Sophie would understand, wouldn't she?

As if reading his mind, Sophie walked in. The irony 

"What are you thinking about dad?"

Hotch realised it was now or never 

"Sit down for a second Sophie" he muttered with a serious look on his face. Sophie felt dread clawing it's way throughout her body. Her dad never had looked more serious then he had now

It was probably nothing


Her mind couldn't comprehend what was happening. Why would Elle leave just like that? What was her dad going to tell Spencer. 

The guy who was always seen with Elle. Who would Sophie make jokes with now? Her dad hadn't told her everything but all she knew is Elle had shot someone. That couldn't be true

Sophie wanted to see Elle one last time as her brain scrambled anywhere, a place, where Elle could be. Sophie deserved a proper goodbye. 

Sophie quickly caught on to where Elle could be 

The gun range 

Sophie looked around hopefully trying to see even a glimpse of Elle. Nothing. She felt her hope die around as she picked up a gun and started shooting at the target that was presented in front of her 

"You were always good at shot" someone said behind her. A stranger who's voice she could recognise anywhere (A/N: You see what I did there). Sophie turned around abruptly as she thought if she hadn't turned around quicky enough, Elle would be gone. 

"You said 'forever' and I almost bought it"

Sophie felt tears escaping her eyes as she tried so very hard not to cry in front of Elle but It was inevitable. She suddenly felt warm arms wrap around her stifling her sobs. 

"I'm gonna miss you so much soph" she whispered as she rubbed Sophie's back comforting her. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Sophie had to let go.

"This isn't fair, none of it" Sophie whispered to Elle. Elle nodded agreeing with Sophie as they felt a comforting silence pass over them. None of this was fair. Every time Sophie got used to someone in her life, they left. That's exactly what Elle was doing and it hurt 

Some could say that Sophie had JJ and Garcia but they weren't Elle. 

"You have my number, don't you? Call me everyday and you can update me on everything" 

How was Sophie supposed to tell Elle that wasn't the same thing as seeing her physically. 

"I can go anywhere I want, just not home"

Elle had finished talking about the misogyny she had faced for her decision but didn't regret it one bit and Sophie agreed with her. They walked outside until the were next to Elle's car. This was what Sophie had been dreading. 

"Hey, call me anytime you want" Elle said before giving Sophie another warm hug to her. 

"I'm going to miss you Elle" Sophie muttered

"Annoy Derek for me, will you?" Elle said trying to lighten up the mood. It wasn't working

Elle gave Sophie one last look before entering her car and then she was gone. 

"I was never ready, so I watch you go"

A/N: Haven't updated in so long but I thought people never liked my story until my readers started commenting on my chapters (thank u guys for that btw) . Thought I should update for those people an thank you for reading my book. Anyways, obx is coming out today!! Thankfully don't have school so I'm just going to binge. Once again, thanks for reading. Hope u have an amazing day and remember to always prioritise your mental health above all. ILY byeee)


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