Plane Ride

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Elizabeth's POV:

Today is the day and I'm panicking. I just finished packing my bag. Now just Eve's small backpack. I had to explain it to her where we going. She had a lot of questions. This will be her first plane ride ever.


"So you know how I work and have to go to set. Right" Eve giving me a nod. I was putting her to bed and remembered we have the flight in a couple days. "Well I have to go back to work again."

"Are we going to see Papa and Aunt Kathy again?" She sits up, squeezing Mr. Snuggles's ears. I giggle at her excitment, moving the piece of hair on her face.

"No baby. We are going across seas. That means we have to take a plane instead of a car" Her eyebrows furrow. "Have you been on a plane ride?"

"No, is it scary"

"No its not scary baby. But if you get scared, I'll be right here." I kiss her head. "Now time for bed"


As I bring my suit case downstairs. I make a mental note to pack Eve's bag. Grabbing everything we need and all set. Now I need to get Eve up.

As I head up the stairs, I pray Eve behavess. Now that I think of it paparazzi will be there. Its making me panic more. Calm down Lizzie, you had Cynthia hire security gaurds. You will be fine, Eve will be fine. Taking a deep breathe I knock on Eve's door.

I slowly open the door to seeing Eve's small frame. Some light coming through since its four in the morning. I sit down on her bed rubbing her back.

"Eve" She doesn't wake up. I hate to wake her up this early. But if I don't now she wont wake up. "Baby its time to wake up" I feel her move a little, still rubbing her back. She is laying on her stomach. I move the messy hair from her face. I start giving small kisses around her face.

"Evelyn, come on baby." Her hands move up to her face rubbing her eyes. A whine is heard as she turns around.

"Nooo" She whines as she starts going back go sleep.

"I know, I know." I say picking her up. She pushes my hands away, whining some more. I get a good grip and lift her up. Her whines turn into sobs. "I'm sorry baby."

Oh god. How do parents do this. I mean Scarlett makes it look so easy. Haven't heard of her in a while. Sure heard she is filming a project.


After struggling for another 20 minutes. I got Eve dressed and got her bag ready. She is still crying now because I wouldn't give her milk. I know starving the child. I just know she will fall asleep and I really want her to sleep on the plane.

The driver came and put my suit case and my other bags in the car. Caring Eve as now she has hiccups from the crying. The driver makes sure we are left at a more distant spot. Its not that crowded, I see the security gaurds.

They tell me they will make sure all my bag are taken. That all I have to do is check myself and Eve in. We did arrive a bit early so we have enough time. Cynthia told me she bought me first class. So we should get privacy.

They send me to a room with more privacy. I gave Eve her pacifier so now she is quiet. I head over to a table and place my bag down. Ordering some food to eat. Eve didn't want to sit down in the chair. So I had her sit on my lap. Which was fine.


Evelyn's POV:

I was a bit angry because I had go wake up so early. I wanted to go back to sleep but mommy won't let me. I didn't know where we were. It was started to get bright outside. There was big window surrounding the area. I can see weird objects outside. I tug on her shirt collar.

"Hm? What is it baby?" I point to the object outside.

"Wash tha?" She takes out the pacifier from my mouth. Telling me to repeat what I just said. "What's that?"

"Oh that a plane baby." I look at it. Its really big. It has wings like a bird.

"Big bird." She laughs and kisses my head.

"Yeah I guess you can call it a big bird." After sitting for a little more. Mommy handed me a jar. Recognizing what this contains I stick my hand in. Taking out some cheerios.

There's a voice that echoes through the room. Making me jump at the sudden loud noise. She starts getting up still carring me. Walking out of the room. Where I see more people. I snuggle closer to my mom.

Mom gives two small books to the lady behind the counter. The lady smiles at me and I shove my head towards mom's neck. I feel her hand rub my back. I feel mom walk again and I start hearing a buzzing noise.

Oh no. Its scaring me.


"Its okay baby, its just the plane. Nothing is wrong." We are greeted by more people. I notice that they are wearing the same clothes. We quickly sit down. Mommy places me on the seat as she puts a bag ontop.

I still hearing that buzzing noise. Which bothers my ears. I see more people come in. I turn around seeing the small window. I see outside and how the sun is coming up.


Elizabeth's POV:

I get the blankets and order the foods and drink. 10 whole hours in a plane with a 4 year old. I'm glad we have this small door. Which I close to give us some privacy.

After all the announcements and time hours and safety rules. The plane starts to move. I hear Eve whine, seeing the fear in her eyes. Taking a piece of gum to chew. I place her on my lap. Lifting up my shirt and moving my bra out the way. I make Eve latch. Covering us both with the blanket. Already feeling the cool air.

I pass Mr. Snuggles to Eve. Squeeze her small body go make sure she is safe. Kisses her head as she closes her eyes. I shut the window so no light comes through. Adjust so I can be comfortable but so can Eve too.

I feel the plane start to fly into the sky. Sighing in relief as Eve starts falling asleep. Her mouth slowly moving around my breast. Ten hours being in this plane. I hope everything goes well.


Author's Note:

HEYYYY MY LOVES!!! Guess who's back. Well not fully back. Here you go a chapter for the week. Hope you enjoy it.

10 hours on a plane with a 4 year old, YIKES! Have you guys been on a plane before? I have actually my first plane ride was at age 5.

Again thank you for the ones who gave me ideas for the next chapters coming out. Appreciate it yall.

Schedule for now is still the same from last post. My other book won't be updated yet because I need to make sure I plan it.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy this chapter until I can update other one. Love you guys. Make sure go stay safe, make sure to eat, drink water and get enough sleep.


- Lyn

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