6: With you

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Walker's  POV:

Yesterday I had so much fun with Y/n I can't believe I'll get to be with her, Ryan, and Emma for almost 3 months! I already know it's going to go by fast so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can. I got dressed that morning into a T-shirt and some sweatpants.
Y/n was still asleep so I tried being quiet. Gosh she must be exhausted.
I made some bagels for breakfast cause I know Y/n loves them.

As I finished making breakfast for Y/n and I I saw her coming out of the bathroom already changed into a Harry Potter T-shirt (Ahh I love Harry Potter) and some sweatpants as well

Credit: Pinterest.

"Good morning sleepy head" I laughed She rolls her eyes playfully and say "Good morning to you as well Walkie Talkie

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"Good morning sleepy head" I laughed
She rolls her eyes playfully and say "Good morning to you as well Walkie Talkie."
I smile.
"I made some breakfast for us by the way." I say.
"Aww thanks you didn't have to." She smiles.
"You seemed really tired so I decided to why not." I grin.
"Thanks Walker" Y/n says as she takes a bite of her bagel
"Anytime" I reply.

"So what are we gonna do?" Y/n asks
"Uh not sure we could go over and hang out with Ryan and Emma for a little bit I guess." I suggest
"Yeah sure why not" she replies.

~Later in the day~

Y/n's POV:

We were all in Emma and Ryan's hotel room sitting on the sofa watching some T.V and talking together.
Emma noticed Y/n shirt and smiled.

"I like your shirt Y/n" Emma compliments.

"Thanks! I love the movies and books it's crazy that I'm filming with THE EMMA WATSON that played THE HERMIONE GRANGER. I reply
"Gosh, Your a bigger Potterhead then I am!" Emma laughs
I laugh along as well.

"What about me?" Ryan asks "I'm pretty cool as well ya know."
"Yeah sure" I sarcastically said. 
"Oh whatever because guess what I'm THE RYAN REYNOLDS who plays THE DEADPOOL."
I start laughing and Emma does as well.

"What did I miss?" Walked says as he walks into the hotel room.
"Oh nothing" I say with a smirk.
"Yeah you were to busy grabbing a jacket because you were "too cold"." Ryan mocks.
We all giggle.
"Whatever, its freezing in here!" Walker complains
"Yeah I guess you gotta point it is cold" I say while rubbing my arms.
"Awww Miss Evan's is cold, Walker you better give her your jacket." Ryan teases
"Oh shut it Ryan" Walker says.

Emma starts laughing once again.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Emma asks.
"Uh I brought some board games wanna play?" Ryan asks.
"Sure but you guys better watch out I'm the best at board games." I challenge with a laugh.
"Oh game on." Walker and Ryan say together.

Emma grabbed the game "Sorry!" From Ryan's bag.
She then set up the board and we all picked out what color we wanted.

Walker was the blue piece
Ryan was the red piece
Emma was the yellow piece
And I was the green piece.

"Alright we can start now youngest goes first." Emma says as she finishes setting the board up perfectly.

I guess that's me cause Walker was only a couple months older then me.
"Ok" I grab a single card.
The card read 3 so I moved my game piece 3 spaces of course.

~ A little bit later ~

We have been playing this game for a good hour and Walker is surprisedly winning.
I grabs a card and it says
"Swap your game piece with any person."
I smirks
"Don't you dare" Walker says.
I grab his game piece and swap it with mine putting him in last place.
He gives me a look and I just laugh then eventually he just laughs with me.

We finally finished the game

"HAHAHA I BEAT ALL OF YOU LOSERS HAHAHA". Ryan points at each one of us.

Yep Ryan won of course.

Emma rolls her eyes playfully and whispers in my ear
"Gosh, he is such a child."
I silently giggle.

Ryan got first place (he made that pretty clear)
Y/n got second
Emma got third
And Walker got last.

"Whatever at least I beat Walker" I laugh.
"Oh be quiet, it's not my fault you decided to swap our places!" He says.
"Your just a sore loser." I tease
"I'm not" he smiles
"I'm too" i smile back.
"Ok that's enough love birds we all know that I'M the champion here." Ryan brags.
We both roll our eyes.

~ That night ~

Walker and I were just watching T.V/ on our phones in the hotel.

"Gosh Ryan really loves to rub it in doesn't he?" I laugh
"Yeah he really does." Walker replies.

He sits up and says
"Hey have you ever seen Deadpool?"
"No I haven't" I reply honestly.
"WHAT?!?" He yells.
"Walker shhh you can't be that loud!" I laugh "but not I haven't seen it."
"It's one of my FAVORITE movies." He says
"I know it is your obsessed with it." I giggle
"Yeah, wanna watch it?" He asks excitedly.
"Sure why not." I give in.

Walker turns to Disney+ and goes to his favorites list
Of course it's on his favorite. I thought to myself.
He then hits the play button and it starts.

"Hey, you can barely see it from your side." Walker noticed once the movie just started
"It's fine I can see it just fine." I say.
"Just come and sit in my bed it's fine."
I walk over to walker's bed and sit next to him.
Gosh I'm smiling so hard right now.

Walker's POV:
Me and Y/n were still watching Deadpool, laying on the bed.
I put my arm over her shoulder.
She then puts her head on my shoulder.
I was trying so hard not to blush right at that moment but I think I failed.
"Walker why is your face so red?" Y/n asks me with a laugh.
"Uh.. no reason it's just hot in here I guess."
She laughs and looks up at me.
I look down at her
Holy shit she is beautiful.

"Plus how I'm I supposed to watch the movie when your reciting all the lines?"
I laugh
"I guess it's a habit" I say
"I really bad one" she giggles.
I roll my eyes playfully.
She then pulls out her phone and we make funny faces while She took photos.
We continued watching Deadpool and it was almost done I look down at Y/n once again and I realized she fell asleep.
I smile while I look at her and think to myself
"I'm glad to call her my best friend."
I then thought maybe more...??
No Walker she is your friend that's it.

I finished watching Deadpool trying not to wake Y/n
I then shut off the T.V
I pulled out my phone and look through the photos we took and smile like an idiot.

I decide to post one of them on Instagram.

I heard Y/n phone buzz
She'll see the photo tomorrow.

I then lay my head on my pillow and got comfortable and fell asleep beside Y/n.

How cute. That's all for today!
Also many people have added my book to their reading lists ahhhh thank you.
Also I will be taking a 1-2 week break cause I'm on vacation thanks for understanding!
Bye loves. 💕

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