15: The adam project

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Y/n's POV:

It was the next day and I completely forgot to text Momona.

Mo :)

Y/n: Hi it's Y/n sorry I didn't text you sooner it slipped my mind!
Momona: Hey Y/n its Momona, It's alright!
Y/n: :D
Momona: sooooooo
Y/n: sooooooo?
Momona: How is your boyfriend?
Y/n: Huh?
Momona: Oh don't act stupid you and Walker ofc!
Y/n: Oh shut up it's nothing I swear!
Momona: Ok! Ok!
Y/n: 🙄
Momona: 😉
Momona: I'll talk to you later bye!
Y/n: Bye!

Today we didn't have filming so we could do whatever we really wanted to.
"Let's head over to Emma and Ryan's room." Walker suggested
"Sounds perfect let's go." I say standing up.

Ryan unlocks the door like usual and we sit down on the couch

"Alright guys so we decided we should go to a movie today cause I mean he have nothing else to do." Emma says
"Oooooo yeah, what movie?" I ask
"Not sure exactly we are gonna see what movies are in theaters when we get there." Ryan answered
"Yes!" Walker says grabbing my hand as we make our way to the door

We all change into comfortable clothing with hoods so know one could see us if he had the hoods up.

We exited the hotel and Walker's hand automatically goes to mine.

"Jeez, they kiss for a movie, and no they are holding hand in real life, dang you to were made for each other." Ryan says as he looks at our locked hands

I roll my eyes like normal.

Walker whispers "it's only cause she gets nervous with paparazzi Ryan!" He says slightly looking at me.

"I don't see any paparazzi Walker." Ryan winks.
"Shut up." He mumbled back.

We walk in till we arrive at the movie theater and I see bright posters showing what movies were playing currently.

My eyes look around in till they finally see a movie that actually looks interesting...

I smirk and pull Walker with me, Ryan and Emma following.

I walk up to the poster and point at it with a goofy grin.

"You've got to be kidding me right now." Walker says.
"Hehe nope." I reply

"I think we should watch this movie!" I say to the group.

Emma and Ryan look at the poster and read off 'The Adam Project'

"Ugh really Y/n?" Ryan groans.
"I think it's a lovely idea actually Y/n." Emma saying returning the smirk.

We walk indoors to the theater and buy our tickets.
The person working there raised his eyebrows once he got a good look at us, but didn't say anything surprising.

"Can we get snacks?!" I ask.
"Ooo yeah can we?!" Walker also asks.
"Fine!" Emma says reaching in her bag and pulling out some money.

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