14: Stay calm

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n wake up!" Walker shakes my body.
I'm laying in my bed sleeping.
"Ughhhhh is it morning already?" I say half asleep.
"Yes, now get up!" He says trying to pull me out of bed.
"Fine." I say.
I sit up and stand quickly.
"See that wasn't that hard!" Walker
"It was extremely hard actually." I roll my eyes.

We were back on set for the day i was sitting down while I get my hair and makeup finished, I completely forgot about the kiss until,

"So are you excited for today?" Chris asked while him and Laura start working on my hair.
"Uh yeah like always I guess." I say.
"No, I mean about the kiss between you and Walker." Chris says obviously.

Shit it's today, I'm kissing my crush and my best friend TODAY.

"What?! It's today?" I ask.
"Well of course it is!" Laura cuts in.
"It's been on my mind for days but I guess I just forgot about it last night." I say looking away.

However Walker did not forget.

Walker's POV:

Walker I'm sure it will be fine, You'll be fine, Everything will be fine!" Ryan says.

Ryan was sitting in Walker's trailer I was also getting ready.

"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah why wouldn't it be?" He also asks.
"She's my best friend don't you think it will be weird afterwards?" I say.
"Well, it will be weird the whole time!" Ryan's states.
"Not helping!" I say.
"Ok, ok, you like her right? Like have feelings for her correct?" Ryan asks.
"Well yeah! I already told you." I says.
"Yeah I know you didn't even have to tell me yesterday I knew already
anyways, after the kiss it will be completely fine nothing will be different unless you tell her how you feel of course then my dreams would come true." He smirks.
"Yeah no, not yet." I confirm.
"Whatever you say." He sighs

As soon as I'm ready Ryan and I exit the trailer and see Emma and Y/n sitting together.

I blush looking at her, god damnit I've really fallen for Y/n.
Ryan nudges my shoulder as we walk towards them.
Y/n doesn't look me in the eye she mush be nervous, I mean we both are.

"Soooo what is the first scene of the day?" Emma asks breaking the silence.
"Well, Walker and I have only 2 to film today so what about you?" She asks Emma.
"Uh me and Ryan only have 2 as well it's gonna be a pretty easy day. " She replies.

Yeah not so easy for us.

Y/n finally looks towards me and we lock eyes.
"Well, this is gonna be awkward isn't it?" Y/n starts a conversation.
"Yeah it really is" I say.
"Hey, it will be over soon and just try not to mess up then you won't have to do it again." Emma says.
"Or, you two will realize your madly in love with each other and purposely mess up!" Ryan teases

I give Ryan a "not the time" look.

"Yeah right." Y/n rolls her eyes.

"Y/n and Walker!" Shawn yells at us to come over.

"Alright so as you know today is Scarlett and Liam's kiss."
"Yeah..." we both say.
"You have nothing to worry about of course just be normal! I know both of you are best friends so, it's gonna be weird but it's all a part of acting!" He says trying to push our worries away.

~A bit later~

Y/n's POV:

Walker and I finished the first scene of the day.
We had a small break before our next one.

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