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Leo's POV

I was feeling very tired, my body was aching all over. I could faintly hear a beeping noise of a machine. I tried to open my eyes. But it was like someone sucked the energy out of me. So I just gave up and lied there.

I could feel movements around me. I could hear people talk. But its like I can't hear them. The more I tried to listen closely, the more my energy drained. I could slowly feel myself going to sleep. And I just let sleep consume me.

I felt myself waking up again. But this time actually wake up. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw my papa asleep on the couch. I could see Xavier talking on the phone, by the window. I tried to sit up, causing me to groan in pain.

"Hey easy there, lay down for now." Xavier was instantly by my side.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice was hoarse. Xavier noticed it and gave me water. "You don't remember? You were shot. We found out who did it. It was Peterson's men." He filled me in.

Peterson was my dad's rival. They were partners once. But then he started doing some illegal stuff, that my father found unacceptable. Like selling drugs to school students, organ trafficking, child trafficking and so on...

He is reason I lose 3 of my people and a deal. If he likes to play dirty, then two can play the game.

"I shot one of them." I told Xavier. "I will tell the team to track it immediately." With that Xavier left.

We have customized  bullets, that contains tracker or venom inside. Not all of them have can have it, only trusted persons can. I have them too. But at that time I only had the ones with tracker, lucky bastard.

"All done." Xavier came in with a tab. "I have sent Alby's team there, it is some sort of a warehouse". Alby was one of our finest fighters with outstanding intelligence who has a cruel way of dealing with things when needed. You could say that she was Xavier's right hand.

"Oh, then I hope they rest in peace."  

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