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Noah's POV

I was in a car, feeling lifeless. I didn't even know whose car it was. Cuz Oliver doesn't have one, not that I know of. No, I was not kidnapped but that doesn't mean I was not forced. I don't want to be here, I don't want to do this. But I know better than anyone what will happen if I refuse.


I woke up to some noises outside my room, ignoring it I went to shower. I was hungry as I didn't get to eat dinner last night. So, I decided to eat some cereal. But once I opened the door, the house was empty. Everything was gone: the sofa, the table, the vase, the bookshelf. What is happening? I searched for Oliver. He was in his room.

"Good to see you awake." He said passing me something.

"Here is your breakfast. Eat it quickly, we have a long way to go." He quickly said and walked past me.

His room was almost empty. There were boxes everywhere. Were we moving out? Then what about Leo? I began to search for my phone. I returned to my room only to see some stranger men moving things. Shit, I left my phone in the living room last night. But there is no living room right now, it is all empty. I need to contact Leo, I need to tell him.

"Where is my phone?" I signed Oliver.
"It is with me, you won't be needing it" He simply said and continued with his work. I felt like crying, but I know the crying will only make the situation worse.


And this is how I ended up in the car with Oliver. We have been traveling for like 3 hours, and I don't know where we were even going. I could feel sleep slowly consuming me, so I closed my eyes and let them rest.

I was woken up by someone calling my name,
"Noah, Noah wake up, we are here." I slowly rubbed my eyes to see more clearly. I got out of the car, the moving truck was already there.
"Come on let's go inside." Oliver nudged me inside. I just nodded at him and followed him.

"Oliver, my man, good to see you after so long." A man said and hugged him, Oliver hugged him back.
"And you must be little Noah," He said and tried to hug me but I quickly hid behind Oliver.
"Brad, remember what I told you, no messing with him."
"Okay okay, at least let me introduce myself. I am Brad your brother's ..." He dragged on.
"Friend." Oliver finished for him.

"So little Noah your room is upstairs, the one on the left side. Oliver your's is first on the right side. If you guys need anything, I will be in the second room on the right, feel free to ask me. Now go freshen up you guys must be tired after a long ride, I will call you once the food is ready." Brad said looking at me with a smile, honestly, it made me uncomfortable. 

I just quietly made my way upstairs into my new room. It was slightly bigger than my previous room, filled with boxes written NOAH on them. There was a window too, I looked outside only to see green fields, where on earth we are right now? I have no idea. Am I going to be imprisoned? By my own brother? And who is this Brad? I have never heard of him. I just hope Leo doesn't forget about me...

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