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No one's POV

Oliver returned to an empty house. He called for Noah but got no response, he sprinted upstairs only to see Noah gone. He went to call him but realized Noah's phone is with him. "Damn it." he cursed.

He dialed Brad's phone, who answered on the 4th ring.

"Please tell me Noah is with you right now."
"He is."
"Where are you guys right now?" He asked. But got no response.
"Brad, Where is Noah?" Oliver asked more sternly.
"I am sorry Oliver." And with that, the call ended.

All of Oliver's senses were screaming danger, he ran upstairs to his room, he turned on his laptop. He tried to track down two numbers, one of which belonged to Brad. It was a piece of cake for him to find out all the details.

They were in an old chemical factory, abandoned for the past 8 years. He checked all the CCTV around the area to conform. There were total of 7 cars parked there. He didn't know how many people were in there, so he can't risk going alone in there. Heck, He didn't even know if Noah was in there or if it was just a trap. But he didn't care, he is determined to save Noah, no matter what, no matter how.

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