🍃23 - Returning the Favor (3)️

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Of course, he planned giving them their new hope anonymously. It was something he had learned from the dragon.

'Unless their God has nothing to do and reveals me to them, there is no way that they will recognize me.'

It was impossible for them to learn of his identity. How great was that? He should have done everything anonymously until now. Cale stepped into the ruins feeling like a massive weight had been lifted off his chest.

He could see people praying all around the area.

At that moment, Hans stealthily approached Cale and whispered to him.

"I just saw the eldest son of Marquis Stan's household."

"...How do you know about that person?"

Cale was truly surprised. Hans smiled before pointing to his eyes.

"Pretty much any and all information about the nobles is in my head. I could see a man being pushed on a wheelchair. It was weird that there was only one person with him, but I was able to see that there was a red snake crest on the wheelchair."


"Yes, sir."

"You're better than you look."

"Thank you?"

Hans shrugged his shoulders with a satisfied expression as he finished his report. He then asked Cale.

"What do you plan on doing?"

Cale could feel the left side of his face heating up, and looked in that direction. Choi Han was looking at him. Cale shook his head and answered both of them.

"Ignore them."

Both of them nodded their heads without saying anything else. Only then did their tour officially start. After looking around, Cale was shocked at the appearance of the rock towers in the ruins.

"They are ..."

Cale seemed to be in disbelief.

"Uglier than I had expected."

Cale could not understand the ancient sense of style. He was expecting piles of rocks, but there were rock towers of all kinds shapes in the ruins.

They looked interesting. However, they were definitely not beautiful. Cale peeked at the kittens in Hans's arms. They seemed to be extremely disappointed as well.

However, there was someone who seemed to be more serious than Cale expected. Choi Han had his head bowed like the other people who were praying, and seemed to be praying as well.

'I'm sure he's praying to return to Korea.'

Choi Han had grown up in a happy family environment. He was a different kind of person than Cale, Kim Rok Soo. Choi Han had grown up in a happy family with positive influences. That was why he was able to survive in a disastrous situation while still remaining a good person.

Cale was staring at Choi Han when Choi Han lifted his head up and made eye contact with him.



"I have a question and something to report."

Cale had a bad feeling about this.

"Start with your question."

Choi Han seemed to be thinking about something, as he looked toward the rock towers standing in this wide plain and started to speak.

"Cale-nim, are you not going to make a wish?"

'Is that what he wants to know?'

Cale just casually answered.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now