🍃37 - Being Still (4)

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Ron nodded his head at Cale's words, but added one more thing before he left.

"I understand. By the way, young master, you do remember that you have to visit the palace the day after tomorrow, right?"

Before the king announces the start of the festival in the plaza, the nobles were scheduled to meet with the crown prince. It was neither a serious meeting nor a feast, but something in between. It was set to take place in a wing of the palace where important meetings usually took place.

Cale thought about the crown prince and the palace before his mind drifted elsewhere.

'I wonder if Taylor and Cage are well.'

The fallen eldest son and the crazy priestess. Cale thought that the two of them were probably doing very well.


But suddenly, his back felt chilly and he caressed the back of his head. That coldness made Cale make up his mind.

'Let's not think about the two of them.'

Cale will be very still at the palace. Even if someone curses him from the side, he will just sit there silently before returning here. Cale peeked at the table in front of them. There was a letter from Eric sitting there.

[Cale. You don't have to do anything, anything at all. This hyung-nim will take care of it all for you. Got it? ...]

Eric Wheelsman, one of the Northeastern nobles, sent him a letter a day. It was very clear that Eric was worried about what might happen. Cale grabbed the letter on the table and chucked it to a corner.

"Then I will make sure to have them wrap up a bottle of our best alcohol."


Cale was watching Ron leave, when he saw some faces he had not seen for a while enter through the open door. Ron peeked at the two of them before closing the door. The two that entered approached Cale and started to speak.

"I think I can kill them if they let their guard down!"

"I see a way we can kill them!"

It was the kittens On and Hong. These two kittens, who Cale had not seen for a while, were excited, as they seemed to have found a way to kill the Beast people who were as strong as the Wolf Tribe.

"Good job."

The two kittens came and rubbed their faces on Cale's leg after hearing his compliment toward them. Cale pushed the two of them away because he found it annoying. Ron soon entered the room once again.

"Young master."


Ron looked at Cale, who answered like he didn't care, before asking his question.

"May I go as your personal servant to the palace?"

"Why are you asking such an obvious question? Who would go if it wasn't you?"

That answer made Ron make up his mind to leave.

The people who called themselves, 'Arm,' and ruled the Eastern continent's underworld had started to expand their reach to the Western continent. 'Arm,' was just one limb of the organization, and nobody knew their true identity.

The Molan family was a fifth generation assassin household that sought to rule the night in the Eastern Continent, and Ron Molan, the successor to the Molan family, hated and feared this, 'Arm.'

"Young master."


"You will be very cool in the palace."

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now