Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- edited


Five years had passed at first I refuse to accept it and wish that I could turn the time back so that I can save my mates

I don't want to be here!
I don't want to go to the parties!
But what can I do?

In this world Ladies need to attend gatherings because that's their duty- no... More likely our duty

Having a good brain is great, I remember trying to make a magic spell because of my curiosity but who would think that I would succeed?

Now because of that I was titled as a 'genius of magic' even though I know nothing about spells

My title greatly raise my chance on having a debut in high society in such a young age, but believe me it's such a pain in ass

Having everyone's expectation is like having a big heavy rock on my shoulder, but what can I do?

There is still some people who's scared at me no my background to be more specific Pendragon has the same level as royals and beleotis, a bloodline that's not under anyone

After a years I decided to accept my fate and forget the past because there's alot of people here who loves and adores me so I can't waste my time grieving do I?

If beleotis has beast fangs, Pendragons has a incredible mana that can tame a dragon

"Finna, we will be visiting Dad's friend tomorrow will you be fine?"
The Duke of Pendragon

A cruel in battle field and got a title of
'Dragon king' because of how the dragons obeyed him, but to me he is a father who adors her family and will do anything for them

"If it's daddy's friend I bet they're good!"
I said cheerly like a child as a imaginary sweat drop on my father's forehead

"I'm coming with dad but I don't have a good dress, I wanna appear presentable in daddy's friend" I said sadly hoping that my dad would allow me to go outside and buy what I want

In the end I won but...

I went to the capital with ten escort's at the back I mean I know Daddy loves me but... Isn't it too much?

Can't believe that I a Mafia boss in the pass is having an escort's who'll protect me, I'm worried that they'll be the one that I'll protect when a danger comes

I went to the boutique clothing store who's famous of its luxurious design's

I told my escort's to wait outside, because they might frighten the people inside, but everything failed

Everyone looks at the knights outside in a horrified look as if they're about to die


Duchess Beleoti
By: it's not me Luna soleil


Duchess Beleoti(IBTMLAD) Where stories live. Discover now