Chapter 9

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"oh my! My ladies have you been having fun?" A elder maid ask the two new ladies of beleoti

"Yeah! The snow came up to my ankles"
Ren said in a wide smile that her mother can't help but to smile as well

"It feels like the snow is grabbing me every time I walk" the young Ren continue to talk to the maids in the kitchen

"I like the snow! I'm gonna make a big snowman with mom next time" Ren mention her mom as her mom looks at her

"Since you've been having much fun how about eating first?" Finna ask her daughter knowing that she too was tired playing with Ren

"Wow~" Ren said cutely when the chef took something in the fire oven revealing a cheesey pizza and give it to Ren

"Thank you!"Ren bowed her head slightly

"It's no problem enjoy~" the chefs said proudly

"Hmm" Ren took a bite clumsy as some cheese spread in her mouth

"It's really amazing" Ren said as Finna looks at her direction when a knight catch her attention

"Oh Meleis!" Finna wave her hand to the knight and walk through her

"Meleis unnie!" Ren ran into the knight and give it a hug

"Have you had fun exploring mi ladies?" The knight ask

"Yeah the north was cold, colder than my household" Finna replied
"By the way why are you here? Are not you busy?" Finna ask the knight

"My lady finna the duke is looking for you" Meleis smily said at the lady as the lady paled.

"Hayst what is it again? Is he asking me about that d*mn arrange merriage again?"
Finna ask annoyingly

"I think you'll enjoy it though~" the knight said teasingly


"What the hell is this?" Finna ask in a room full of beautiful shiny wedding dress and flowers

"They're gonna be marry soon but the lady is still annoyed at the duke"

"Well we all want to have a duchess like her"

"Well who would not? Like hell the duke and the lady suits each other"

Meleis smiled at the maids who silently whispering in her back

"What are you up again this time?!" The lady ask

"I'll give you what you want. fancy dress, luxurious jewelry, authority, power or money. No matter what you want I'll give it to you" the duke said looking directly at The lady's eyes

"In one condition" the duke said

"Treat me as your husband and marry me without any complain" the duke continues as he felt like he just annoyed his future wife

"And what if I don't?!"
"Then no money"

"You're a pervert aren't you duke?" The lady ask annoyingly

"Ouch!" Finna said shock when the duke flick her in head

"When are you going to call me something romantic or atleast call me by my name" the duke lean closer and was about to kiss Finna when finna took a step back


Short update

Hayst sorry for not updating...

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