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LORD HAWTHORNE glared menacingly down at the formidable countess' daughter. Her widening smirk made his heart burn with malice. It had been years since he had to deal with spoiled ladies. A decade, to be precise. After he'd left home for good—bidding farewell to his dreadful step-sister forever—he hadn't needed to deal with them since. Until now.

He dug his fingernails into the leather of his reins. If it only had to do with her troublesome self and her protective mama, Harry would have a string of choice words for this bothersome chit. But, it didn't. He needed a housekeeper—badly. He'd been looking for almost six weeks now, offering twice the normal pay and excellent benefits. However, not a single person had bothered to apply for the post. It was getting ridiculous. He could already hear the disdainful whispers if this girl's story came out. Pervert. Peeping Tom. He probably would've taken her if she hadn't run away. No, he really couldn't afford any scandal. Despite every fiber in his being, he would have to heel.

"Get on," Harry said.

The girl raised two perfectly arched brows. "You're not going to help me up?"

Harry didn't want to touch her. "No."

He expected her triumphant gaze to whither in a pout, but her smile didn't lose its luster. She approached his steed and gently stroked the bridge of its head nose. Harry tightened his hold on Cerberus' reigns. He was by no means a nice horse and he might kick this oblivious fool for her caresses. However Cerberus, usually the picture of hostility, was silent as the unfamiliar woman petted him. "Kneel, darling," she said gently. Cerberus obediently knelt. The chit gracefully joined him on the stallion's backside and urged the horse up when she was settled. Her arms tightly wound themselves around his waist, and the soft scent of lavender enveloped him. She was still dripping from her swim in the pond. She was getting him wet, Harry thought irritably. "I live a mile up the road," she said to Harry.

Without a moment to lose, he started them off in a speedy gallop. The primary reason for this was to get rid of the countess' brat as soon as humanly possible. The second reason, the more devilish one, was to irritate her. He wanted her to regret that she'd ever asked him for a favor. Unfortunately, the second reason fell through. Harry felt the spoiled thing tighten her hold around him and release a squeal of delight. When they finally reached Fleurs Castle, she didn't immediately let go.

"We're here," he announced blandly, after too many minutes had passed.

"I see that," she replied silkily. "I rather like being up here with you."

Was she really flirting with him? "I don't."

She laughed. It was a sweet, bubbly sound that grated Harry's ears. "Will you help me down?"

"You can get down the same way you came up."

"I don't think I can perform that trick twice, Lord Hawthorne."

Harry agreed. That was the only reason he leapt off Cerberus, and firmly planted his hands on her waist, lifting her off. She smiled up at him in the same beguiling Harry knew she'd smiled at tens of other men. "Thank you," she said sweetly.

"It was nothing." He climbed onto Cerberus quickly, eager to get far, far away.

"I do hope we meet again, Lord Hawthorne," she said in a sing-song manner that sounded too much like a taunt.

Harry didn't even spare her a second glance as he rode away. He hoped he never saw her again. When he reached Hawthorne castle, he was further irritated to find a coach in the drive. He recognized that dreadful carriage anywhere.

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