T h i r t e e n

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HARRY stared sorrily at the slammed door. He should've kissed her. He should've let his hand roam free and do what it liked. After all, Miss Redwood had been the one to start it. Would it really be wrong to finish?

No, his self-restraint chided. He could not have touched her further. He was right to stop it. Who would Harry be if the current rumors about him were true?

A knock sounded on his door, cutting his thoughts short. Harry half-hoped it was Penelope. "Come in." Reginald entered.

"I've just received a message from Fleurs Castle, Sir. The Countess of Au Printemps is requesting an audience."

"I suppose she can see her daughter for fifteen minutes."

"She doesn't want to see Miss Redwood, Sir. She wants an audience with you."

Shit. "Why?" Harry asked, even though they both knew the answer.

"It doesn't say."

Mamas ranked second to spoiled ladies on his list of people he despised. Still, Harry didn't think she would refuse her. She'd complain to the papers. "Alright, then. I accept."


Harry uncorked his decanter and poured brandy into his glass. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

The Countess arrived at twelve o'clock sharp the following morning. Harry instructed his cook to prepare a nice spread, even though he knew they wouldn't eat it. The Countess entered the drawing room with the meanest scowl Harry had ever seen. "Lady Redwood," he greeted politely with a sharp bow.

"Lord Hawthorne." Her voice was cold and clipped.

He sat, and gestured for his guest to do the same. A maid began pouring the countess a cup of tea. "No, thank you," Lady Redwood said. She curtsied before leaving them. Lady Redwood did not say anything, she only stared. They could both hear the tick of the clock. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'd like you to release my daughter from her post."

"If you would like to persuade your daughter of something, I'd be happy to give the two of you an audience."

"I did not come here to see her. I came to see you."

"Lady Redwood..." He paused. "I cannot help you."

"I'll give you one hundred thousand pounds."

"It's not about money."

Lady Redwood flinched. "You can find other women, Sir."

Harry felt himself grow hot. "I know you might not believe me but, contrary to popular opinion, I am not involved with your daughter."

Lady Redwood released a pained chuckle. "Spare me."

"It's the truth."

"I am not an idiot. Even when you do not consider what you are, you are still a red-blooded man. And my daughter is a beautiful woman. I know the two of you are involved."

Harry bristled at the implication. "I am sorry you do not believe me."

The countess' fingernails were pressed into her palms. "I know that you do not...that you might not care for my daughter's reputation the same way a mother would. But I cannot understand how you can see what they are saying about her and continue this way."

"I am not the one doing anything to her."

"You are ruining her life." Motherly despair seeped from her words. "Please. Please just let her go."

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