N i n e t e e n

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HARRY could understand why Lady Vatterly had looked elsewhere. Lord Vatterly was courteous. He supposed that on some level (a very basic level) that he was handsome. But, the man was also incredibly boring. His jokes fell flat, his observations were mute, and he had an annoying laugh. To be fair, Harry couldn't tell if these judgments were made fairly or if they were clouded by his poor mood. Or, maybe it was because he noticed Lord Vatterly failed to meet his eye every time Harry spoke. He knew what his name meant to people outside of his close circle. He dealt with it every day. Still, these weekends away from reality were meant to be a sort of escape from that treatment. So, he couldn't help but be annoyed when he was met with an intruding fly. Also, how long did Mrs. Redwood mean to stay away?

Emma and Charlotte had gone upstairs to gather his housekeeper and they hadn't returned. How much coaxing did she need? He stood with one eye trained on the door and the other squinting at Lord Vatterly. At the last minute before six, Miss Redwood appeared with Charlotte and Emma in tow. She looked...incredible. Harry's eyes caught on her low neckline and he felt himself grow hot. He grew even hotter when she greeted Lord Vatterly first. Was it his imagination or was the man staring directly at her breasts? "Lord Vatterly," she greeted. Her voice was nectar. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

The viscount cleared his throat. "The pleasure is mine," Lord Vatterly returned.

They went on talking to each other as if the rest of them weren't in the room. Miss Redwood laughed at his poor jokes, paid rapt attention to his insipid musings, and complimented his wheezy chuckles. Within minutes it was plain to see that his housekeeper and this guest were flirting with each other. Harry got angrier the longer he watched them. When they were ushered to dinner, Miss Redwood and Lord Vatterly were seated next to each other. They continued their naked flirtations. At one point, the man had the gall to touch her. It was a feather-light tap on the wrist, but it was enough to send Harry over the edge.

"Did you know that Miss Redwood was engaged, Lord Vatterly?" Harry heard himself say.

Lord Vatterly's spoon stopped in midair. Miss Redwood scowled at him. "Engaged?"

"To the Duke of Burberry," Harry went on. "They only broke it off recently." He smiled frostily. "Did she tell you why?"

Lord Vatterly bit on his stupid little lip. "Erm..."

"---I really didn't want to get into the specifics over dinner, but I suppose we can," his housekeeper said briskly. Her eyes did not leave Harry's. A mischievous grin flashed over her lips before disappearing as abruptly as it came. "It was adultery. The Duke was unfaithful."

"Oh!" Lord Vatterly turned to Miss Redwood and placed a hand over hers. Harry swallowed the impulse to spit out his wine. "I'm so sorry. I know how painful that is."

Miss Redwood tapped at a dry eye and produced a wobbly grin. "Thank you. It's been very hard."

Harry blinked incredulously at them. His attempt to drive a wedge in their conversation had only made things worse. Damn her! Why was she doing this? The sensible part of him told her it was nothing more than a game. However, his sensible self was being eroded minute by minute. It looked like genuine interest and it was infuriating him. What could she possibly see in him? He did not finish the rest of the courses, he could not. Lord Vatterly's hands remained on his housekeeper for the rest of dinner. They did not quit their ridiculous flirtations, in fact, it continued when the party left the dining room for the parlor. When Miss Redwood excused herself to the powder room, he found himself following her. When they were alone, her gaze did not leave her reflection.

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