Moving in

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"Why are you here Viviane?' I said harshly. It was so strange because i can read most people so easily but her expressions and emotions are so hard to see. I couldn't read how she was feeling unlike Harper.

"Well I...Um- have custody of you and Harper.." she spluttered out. I hadn't expected that and didn't know what to reply with so i just stood there foolishly.

After a moment of thinking I spoke. "I hate you and I wish you were dead, but I'm only agreeing because Harper needs me and I can't help her in here" I said bitterly, only now could I see that she was hurt by my words.

I smiled to myself she deserved to feel hurt, all those years and its all her fault.

Time jump!

After I packed Viviane had to sign loads of papers to get me out of this hell whole, so I sat on the bench in the hallway scratching my arm, which had became a habit recently when I was nervous or stressed.

When she was done i followed her to the car, i sat in the back trying to avoid being near her, i went to look into my bag for my ears phone when i realise i only have one more tablet of my medication.

If you didn't know I have Liver disease and need a new liver or part of one but as a foster kid I couldn't have a transplant so they just gave me these tablets and basically told me ill probably die in my late teens.

I didn't want to die but i also didn't want to be alive, i only take the medication of Harpers sake, shes the only one who knows about my Liver disease besides the doctors.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Viviane, "so there is some things you should know.." she said her voice slightly raspy just like mine. I waited for her to continue still refusing to look at her.

"You have a little brother his name is Oliver.. he's five" she said looking at me through the rear view mirror but i didn't care, i just nodded.

"Oh and you have a step father" she said looking through the rear view mirror again as i winced. I quickly regained my blank face trying to show no emotions, i could feel her eyes boaring to mine.

After an hour of mostly silence, both of us listening to the radio we got to her house, it was two stories, brick and a modern house. "Rich" i mumbled while getting my bag out of the car and slinging it over my back.

Before even going into the house i decided to finally speak to her. "When are we picking Harper up?" I said while slowly walking behind her to the front door.

"She's already here" Viviane replied which utterly shocked me. "What?!" I said while she opens the door and i run in screaming Harpers name.


Two hours after Viviane had left a man came into the house, his name was Luke and apparently he was taking me away, I already knew never to get attached, it wasn't like i was attached to this home though.. not with those boys.

I packed my things and headed downstairs where he was waiting with his hands in his pockets. "Hello Harper! Or do you like being called Harp?" He asked with a bubbly personality.

I didn't reply instead i stared at my shoes. "She doesn't speak" my old foster mother said before giving me a small shove.

"We'll we better be going then" he said leading me to his car. I got in watching the cars go by as we drove away. "I'm not sure how much your foster parents told you but my name is Luke and I'm Viviane's  Husband, and well your step dad.

I looked at him through the rear view mirror but he caught me looking which made me look at the floor again breaking eye contact.

"Viv is off to get your sister, so i guess when we get in ill introduce you to Oliver while we wait for them.. is that okay kid" he said which i replied with a hesitant nod.

We pulled up to a fancy house which was bigger than any other home that we had lived in. I got my stuff and walked up the drive with him.

He opened the door and the first thing i heard was a little boy squealing. "Daddddyyyyy!!!" He screamed hugging Luke which is when Luke proceeded to spin him in the air. This reminded me of my own dad, i don't have that many memories but i do remember him letting me put makeup on him and paint his fingernails.

I tear slid down my cheek, i quickly swiped it away waiting there awkwardly. "Are you my new sissy?" Oliver asked to me which i just shrugged to.

"Hey bud shes had a long day why don't you go to the living room and we can watch a movie until Mummy and Sage get here?" Luke suggested which Oliver squealed even more to.

We went into the living room which was huge and had a beautiful white couch and walls. "Come sit down" Luke said in a friendly tone.

I sat down on the furthest point of the couch from Oliver and Luke while he put on finding nemo.

A few hours later it was around 9pm Oliver had gotten closer and closer to me on the couch until he had his head on my lap and was fast asleep.

Soon i felt myself drifting off into darkness.

"HARPER!" I heard someone scream, but that wasn't just someone that was Sage. My eyes opened straight away as i went to stand up almost knocking Oliver off the couch which Luke grabbed him just in time.

I ran down the hall seeing Sage frantically looking around with Viviane behind her. "SAGE!' I yelled running towards her until we had wrapped our arms around each others body. I started to cry holding her even tighter.

"I.. thought- i wouldn't.. see you- again" i managed to splutter out while crying into her t shirt. " i would never leave you Harps" she said softly but i could tell she was crying.

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