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It's been three days since I woke up from my surgery, Viviane has slept on the pull out bed in my room for the past two nights, we barley speak and when we do we start to argue.

"You all packed kiddo?" Luke asked coming into the room with Viviane following behind him.

I nodded in response before grabbing my backpack and putting my shoes on.

"Want to say goodbye to your hospital room?" He joked taking my backpack off me.

"Bye shitty room" I said before walking out and heading towards the car park leaving them stunned and following behind me.

The car ride was silent I had my earphones in per usual so I didn't have to interact with them thank god.

"We're here" Luke said all chirpy, I sighed and took out my earphones.

I followed them to the door and was greeted by Oliver and Harper running towards me full speed.

"Sage!" Harper squealed into my ear as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Soggy sage!" Oliver said grinning, he put his arms up before wiggling his eyebrows cheekily.

I picked him up while I had harper still holding onto me.

I looked up when I heard a noise and saw Luke taking a photo, I gave him a bitch face look before putting Ollie down gently and taking Harpers hand.

"We're going to my room" I told them not even waiting for a reply and walked upstairs with Harper.

"How was it without me?" I asked her as we sat down on my bed.

"Well I cried a lot because I missed you and I was scared but Luke isn't too bad and Oliver well he's Annoying but adorable, I don't really know about Viviane because she never left your side when you got to the hospital so I haven't spent much time with her" she told me putting her hand in mine.

"What happened to Levi?" I said squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"He's in jail, the police caught him and he's waiting for a court date they said he might be available to go on bail" she said making my heart rate speed up.

"I really missed you I hated being alone at night" she said quietly looking down as her face crumpled up.

"Aww Harp it's okay I'm not going anywhere" I told her bringing her into a hug.

"Are we not allowed to talk about Daddy now?" She asked me while playing with my rings that were on my fingers

"Of course not Viviane has no right to tell us what we can and can't talk about, don't worry if they say anything I'll make it clear with them" I said smiling at her before stroking her brown hair back from her now red and sticky face.

I checked the time to see it was 9pm "alright I think we should get some shut eye" I told her before looking at her miserable face.

"Want to sleep in my bed tonight?" I asked her which made her face light up as she nodded eagerly before getting in and snuggling up to me.

"Sage" she whispered in a sleepy tone and turning over to face me.

"Hm?" I said my eyes still closed as I felt her looking at me.

"How long are we staying here?" She asked me which took me as surprise.

I opened my eyes looking directly into hers "I'm not sure" I sighed "I'm sorry I don't know the answer but please don't rely on them for a lot, I don't want you to get hurt" I said while wrapping her in my arms.

She nodded sadly "harp go to sleep" I told her  softly.


I woke up to the sun in my eyes, I turned over to see sage on her iPod.

She turned her head and noticed I was awake "morning sleepy head" she giggled putting iPod down

"Morning" I yawned rubbing my eyes and putting the duvet over my head.

"Eh no" sage said pulling the duvet off my head.

"Your awake now, come on let's go get some breakfast" she told me getting up and pulling me out of the bed.

"I'm not hungry though" I said groaning at her as we walked down the staircase

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" she said walking towards the kitchen as I followed her.

We were greeted by Luke, Viv and Ollie at the table with two plates with a English breakfast waiting for us.

"Good morning girls" Luke sung jokingly while cutting up a sausage into bite size pieces for Oliver.

"Good morning" I replied giving a small smile.


Harper and I sat down next to each other as we began to eat our breakfast.

After a few minutes of silence I looked over at harpers plate where she was playing with her food.

"Stop playing with your food and eat it" I told her firmly which she nodded quickly before taking mouthfuls, I noticed that everybody was staring at me except harper. Why can't they mind their own business?

"I'm full" harper said as she pushed her plate, I was about to say something when Viviane interrupted me.

"Can you try finish it, your so tiny and you need to grow" she asked, Harper looked at me unsure what to do

"She said she's full, so she isn't going to eat anymore I think you forget where we came from, we didn't even have this meal once a day so why don't you mind your own business" I snapped at her.

"Sage enough!" Viviane said raising her voice. I looked at her in surprise as she continued.

"We are the parents not you so why don't you give me a break and let me be the parent." She said which I glared at her.

"He's not our parent nor are you, I've raised Harper since she was four years old while you were being a fucking bitch and starting a different family!" I yelled making Oliver start to cry.

"Don't talk to my wife like that!" Luke yelled with his deep voice booming through my ears.

"It's not my fault your wife can't even raise one family before moving on!" I screamed while harper slid down her chair.

Before I knew it I felt a hot stinging sensation on my cheek, I lifted my hand to my cheek and touched it, I winced in pain before looking straight at Viviane who had regret written all over her face.

"Sage- I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" she said trying to come towards me.

"That's what you said in the hospital"
I mumbled getting up and heading towards the stairs.

I could hear someone following me, but I could tell by the footsteps it was Harper.

I reached my hand out for her to take without even looking and as I had expected  she latched onto it with dear life.

We headed towards my room and I slammed the door so hard it echoed throughout the house which is what I wanted.

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