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I couldn't believe I didn't know, how didn't I know??

I was in the ambulance sitting next to Sage's unconscious body, wires connected to her chest, arms and hands.

I put her hand in mine rubbings her palm with my thumb like I use to do when she was little.

"Mommy!" Sage came up to me crying while holding her knee.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I said rushing over to her as she lifted her arms up.

I picked her up, her tiny fragile body shaking from crying.

I rubbed my thumb against her palm which always helped to calm her down.

"Mommy when is my baby sister coming out to play?" She asked me, still hiccuping from crying.

"Soon baby" I replied smiling to her as she fell asleep in my arms.

End of flashback

The ambulance halted to a stop and a paramedic pulled her stretcher out of the van.

I followed closely behind listening to every detail they said about what was wrong.

I looked down to her eyes slowly opening "it wasn't her fault it was mine don't hurt her" she said pushing the doctors off her.

It broke my heart knowing how much she went through yet I barley know.

"Sage can you hear us?" One of them asked but she couldn't hear anybody. she slowly drifted back into unconsciousness.

I continued to follow the doctors when somebody tapped me on the shoulder, I looked behind me to see nurse. "Hi I'm sorry but you can't go back there, you can wait in the waiting room" she told me pointing to some chairs.

I nodded wiping my teary eyes as I went to go to sit down.

A few minutes went by and a doctor came out of the two doors where I had been separated from my daughter.

"Sage Lee" the doctor shouted towards the waiting room which made me jump up without a second thought.

I put my hand up to get his attention "I'm her mother" I told him in a shakey voice, he looked down reading something off his clip board.

"Hello mrs... Davis I'm doctor Kingston, I'm Sages doctor." I nodded waiting for him to continue, he looked at me sympathetically before looking down at his clipboard again.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your daughters Liver is failing, she needs part of a liver or she will die in the next 24 hours" he said softly which made a knot form in my throat.

The first thing that went through my mind was if I could be a donor.

"Can't I give her some of my liver" I whispered as I was on the verge of crying.

He looked down at his clipboard again before giving a small smile.

"It does indicate here you both are a match but I'm warning you this procedure is very risky and she may react badly to the liver" he told me.

"I'll do whatever it takes, and I'm not going to not try to save my daughter" I said with an attitude.

Time jump

I was sitting on the bed while a nurse was putting an IV in my arm ready for the surgery.

"Viv!" I heard Luke semi shout while coming towards my bed with Oliver in one had and his other on Harpers back.

"Where's sage?!" She asked worriedly and looking around the room.

"She's in the ICU, I'm giving her some of my liver" I told her trying to calm her down. Which she nodded in response

"Harper why don't you take Oliver to the food machine" Luke told her giving her some money.

"Okay come on Oliver" she sighed and putting her hand out for Oliver to take.

We watched them leave and Luke turned around to face me.

"What did they say?" He asked me concern running through is voice.

"They said that if she doesn't get part of a liver now she will die" I whispered and my voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry Viv" he said wrapping his arms around me comfortingly.

"Mrs Davis we need to do it now as we've just had to put her on life support." She said softly, which I nodded and gulped giving Luke's hand a squeeze before I was pushed away.

The nurse pushed anaesthetic into my IV, I watched it go up into my arm before I started feeling sleepy and I began slowly closing my eyes.


All I could see was white, white walls, white floors and white doors.

I could hear people but I couldn't make out what they were saying, I could feel something touching my arm, it felt more like pinching which was beginning to hurt.

I tried again and again to open my eyes but it was so difficult, they were so heavy and I didn't feel in control.

I finally made my self open them slightly, I was blinded by light, when my eyes adjusted I could see a nurse injecting something into my arm which made me freak out.

She went to get another needle, she hadn't noticed I was awake.

I pushed her away which caused her to jump "Sage your in the hospital it's okay" she told me which didn't calm me down whats so ever.

She went towards me again with the needle and I began screaming and shouting.

"GET OFF ME GET OFF ME GET OFF ME" I yelled pushing her away and trying to move.

She ran out of the room for a second and when she returned two more nurses were there. "sage we are going to have to restrain you because you could hurt your self" one of them said.

One of the nurses grabbed one of my arms and the other nurse grabbed my other arm, the original nurse was holding onto my legs while they strapped me down with leather straps.

Tears were running  down my face when I saw another person come inside my room, I couldn't see who it was though due to my eyes being filled with tears.

"What the hell!? Get off my daughter!" I heard Viviane say, even though I wouldn't admit it hearing her voice made me feel a lot safer but I had so much anger towards her.

I could feel the nurses letting go of me but I had one hand and one leg still restrained as I curled up into a ball trying to stay away from everybody in the room.

My whole body was shaking, the only person I wanted was my sister, she was the only person who I had to stay strong for.

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