Chapter 5: Tuesday

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The sun hasn't risen yet when I wake up. I look at the clock on the bedside table. It reads 4:17 AM. I don't go back to sleep. Instead, I get up, get changed and jog a lap around Westview. The streets are more familiar to me now after having picked the boys up from school the afternoon before. I take a look at the empty shops and the quiet roads, silently memorizing everything around me.

It's around half past five when I return to the house. I take a quick shower before preparing breakfast for the boys. Waffles and bacon.

I play a song on my phone and begin humming along, getting lost as I mix and pour and flip and fry. I finish the task by a quarter past six. Perfect timing.

I wake the boys up. They wash themselves. We eat breakfast together. I remind them to brush their teeth. I double check their bags. I walk them to school.

It's a simple routine, one that I can see myself easily getting the hang of.

We're outside the school when I take out my phone. I look at the boys.

"Hey, can I take a picture of you guys? For your mom," I say. It would be nice, I think, if Wanda could see her boys in the mornings even if it's only in photographs. She would like that.

"Sure!" Billy replies.

"Alright, say cheese!" I say as I click the button. I check the picture. Billy's smile is wide and contagious. Tommy, on the other hand, is making a face. I chuckle at how silly he looks. Wanda is going to love this.

I let them see the picture before sending it to their mother. Once I receive their go-ahead, I press send and usher them to the school's front doors.

My phone rings when I turn around to leave.


"Hey, good morning," I greet. It's Wanda on the other line.

"Good morning. Are the boys still with you?"

"No, they just went in. I'm sorry, I didn't think you were going to call."

"It's fine. I'm supposed to be getting ready anyway. Thank you, though, for the picture. I appreciate it."

I put my free hand in my free pocket, suddenly feeling warm at Wanda's gratitude. I knew she was going to like it. That's why I did it.

"You're welcome. I just thought you'd like an update and maybe a little pick-me up before you save the world."

She chuckles and I feel the warmth spread across my chest and up my neck. What is going on?

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We are both quiet for a moment, the both of us not knowing what to say to continue the conversation. I check my phone, looking at the screen to see if she's still on the line. She is. The silence stretches and I start feeling awkward. I am about to tell her I have to go when she suddenly asks,

"How are you?"


"I mean how are you holding up? Have the boys given you any trouble this morning before school?"

I smile. "No, not at all. They've been great."

I can feel her beaming on the other line. "That's good. I hope they don't make you regret looking after them."

"I'm sure I can handle whatever they throw at me."

"Yes. I'm sure you can."

I'm about to reciprocate and ask how she is when I hear Natasha's voice. She's telling Wanda that they have to go. I hear Wanda sigh.

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