Chapter 7: Thursday

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The boys and I are walking around the aisles of a crafts shop in Westview's main street. I'm pushing a cart with clay, popsicle sticks, a glue gun and some glue sticks. We've already gone to the grocery earlier to buy vinegar and baking soda for the main mixture so all we need now are for the volcano's appearance and its surroundings.

We've settled on Pompeii. I told them the story of how Mount Vesuvius had erupted and swallowed the whole city and the boys loved it so much that they wanted to use it for their project. Speaking of the boys, I watch as they walk ahead of me in search of red dye.

"We gotta mix some orange into it to make it look more realistic!" I hear Billy say. Tommy nods furiously in agreement.

Once we finish shopping, we put the bags in the trunk and drive to the ice cream shop. It's the first time that I'm driving Wanda's car, having only needed it now for our shopping.

We arrive at the shop after a few minutes and the boys immediately walk up the counter to order a banana split.

I don't order anything, content to watch them devour scoops of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry plus the banana in the middle with an exorbitant amount of chocolate syrup. The calories on that thing, Jesus.

I watch as the boys shovel spoonfuls to their mouth. I should be reminding them not to eat too much, but I did promise them the night before and I know that they're still going to be hungry come dinnertime anyway.

"Smile!" I say, snapping a photograph of them to send to Wanda.

Wanda — the thought of the woman brings a smile to my face. I feel like we really connected the night before and I'm all too happy about it. She's starting to trust me — really trust me. I grin at the thought.

After the boys finish their ice cream, we immediately drive home. It's half past five when we arrive. I turn off the ignition and the boys help me with the bags. Once inside, I put the bags on the living room coffee table and watch as the boys put their shoes on the rack before walking upstairs. Good.

They come back down not too long after and we begin making their project. We don't eat snacks this time, too focused on starting the task. We're so concentrated on what we're doing that we don't notice the time. It's now past seven, dinner time. Thankfully, I've already prepared a simple meal — mac and cheese.

"We should stop and continue tomorrow," I say.

"But we're having so much fun," Billy replies.

"Can we eat in the living room and continue making it?"

"We can, but I think we deserve some rest. We don't want to overdo it and end up doing sloppy work, now, do we?"

Tommy and Billy both nod. "You're right, (Y/N)."

"I almost always am," I smirk, winking at them.

They stand up from their places on the living room floor and start cleaning up their mess. Billy volunteers to bring their project up to their room while Tommy puts away their materials. I tell them to clean up while they're upstairs and get ready for dinner.

We eat our meal once they return and the boys begin animatedly talking about how they're going to perfect their project. I listen and chuckle at their childlike glee, feeling my heart grow with fondness at the sight of them. It's only been a few days but I can feel my attachment to them growing stronger at each passing moment.

After dinner, I tell the boys to wash up and get ready for bed. I can tell that they're tired. The ice cream and the excitement throughout the day seem to have caught up with them.

Once I finish my chores, I send Wanda a text.


The boys just finished dinner if you want to call now. 

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