Chapter 4 ~Hello Memory Lane!

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Previously on last chapter: Jean, your my little pony made you take a dare. To swim in the ocean. You finally conquered your fear...sorta...but a wave of disappear crashed down on you....
The wave currents shoved your head hard into one of the beach rocks. Finally you gave way, your eyes closed, and you slipped into unconsciousness.


Silence. The empty dark space that flowed through your head. Nothing was heard as you sank deeper and deeper. Deeper into a empty blackness, and deeper into the dark blue ocean. Your eyes only saw the light sway of the water above, and the small clear bubbles that left your mouth, and nose. The last rays of sunlight were fading under the sea.

'So calm, so relaxing...I wouldn't mind to die like this...' You didn't struggle nor fight the need to close your eyes. Your lungs screamed for air, but got none. With each second past you felt more weak, and tired. 'Why did it come to this?' 'I'm going to die, I'm going to die.' Your heavy eye lids started to close, but not before you saw something stir in the water...something....turquoise?

It came closer to you, and you felt arms wrap around your body. Before your eyes finally gave way you saw deep turquoise hues starring down at you. Then sleep overcame you, and you floated away into an empty void. 'I'm going to die, I'm going to die...wait for me'



A little girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, about the age of seven ran anxiously across the beach, chasing after her mother. Sea gulls called to each other over head as a cool ocean breeze blew by bringing the tang of salt along with it. The sun was setting, casting blood orange streaks across the fading light blue sky.

"(Y/N) watch out honey your gonna trip." Your mom explain as she turned around at your giggling running form. Instantly after she said that you started to lose your balance while running. You tripped over your own two feet and fell face first on the ground. Your mom came rushing towards you with a worried expression. You stared up at her with teary eyes.

"Hey it's okay sweetie." Your mom said as she brushed away your tears with her thumbs. "You fell many times before right?" You nodded. "Well you always got up after. There's no difference here. You'll be okay. Your a strong girl."

Even at the time, with you being just a little kid, your moms words encouraged you. To keep going and never to give up. You had a close bond with your mother. A bond you never had with any other family member. She was the one who brought joy, magic, happiness, and fairy tales in your life.

Of course with your family living by the beach, each day your mom told you fairy tales about the one and only creatures in the sea...the merpeople. Each day she always had a story new to tell you about them. The thing about your mother was she didn't use a story book.

"Mom how do you know this much about them if you never read a book about them?"

Your mom laughed. "Some times you don't need a book to tell you what's out there. You need to believe it yourself. In fact I even saw mermaids before."

As a little kid you believed your mom. You believed she saw mermaids. You believed every last bit of it. But of course mermaids aren't real! They're just part of a fairy tale....

"You know (y/n) there's a king and queen in the mermaid kingdom. I met with them before. They were amazing, and they had a son. An adorable sweet little green eyed boy, the same age as you. I hope one day you can meet each other." Your mom giggled. Your eyes were wide with excitement.

"Really!? When can we meet them Ma!"

Your mom laughed. "Soon darling, soon."

That same night your dad announced he was going night fishing with his other sailors. That's right. Your dad was, we'll used to be a fishing captain. While your mom told stories about fish your dad caught them. They were both crazy.

Though as you, and your mom woke up the next morning he wasn't home. The day continued on, and he still never came back.

Suddenly as it was to be 8:00 at night your front door opened revealing your father. Correction your pissed off looking father. Instantly you knew something was up. Usually after a fishing trip he came home happy, and excited. He always brought his catch home, but today was different. He carried no fish at all. How could he caught nothing with all that time?

The only thing you noticed your father have was a strange turquoise scale. It looked rather big for a small fish. The scale shimmered in the lamp light, you noticed a few spots of what looked like purplish blackish dots rotting into the scale. Yet you couldn't take your eyes off it.

'Why did daddy just come home with a scale? 'Where's the fish?' Something strange was going on. Even more surprising your mom and dad started to fight. They never did that. What was going on? You could only pick up a few words. 'Poison? Mermaid! Death!?' Suddenly your mom let out a small cry and with that she ran out the house towards dad's boat.

"Will that women ever understand anything!" Your dad yelled as he walked passed you and up the stairs to his room. You stared after both parents confused before going to bed yourself.

The next morning both of your parents were gone. No note was on the table. No sign of them anywhere. Worriedly you ran to your door and opened it revealing your dad walking to the front entrance. He stared down at his feet not watching where he was going. Now something was defiantly wrong. He looked up at you and let out a large sigh. Obviously he was holding back tears. Again why? Where was mom?

"(Y/N) your mom went on a boat ride last night..." You nodded remembering that scene. "Well...your mother...isn't coming back."

"Coming back where? From the boat ride? Why don't you just call her?" You ask not understanding being the little kid you were.

"I can't...she's gone."

"What do you mean? G-gone where? I-is she ever returning?" You ask starting to get scared. Your dad didn't reply.

"Your mother is part of the sea she dreamed to be..." Your father said as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

This was the day your world turned upside down. This was the day your world was shattered into billions of pieces.

Your father didn't say anything else. He handed you the same turquoise scale from last night before walking into the house. You stared down at it, and cried.

No one ever knew how your mom died. Most just said the boat sunk down with her, but deep inside you knew that wasn't the case, and your father never told you what happened that night before. He never wanted to remember his only and last fight. All you knew was that your mother was killed...killed by the thing your family loved the most. The sea. You all were betrayed by the ocean, and you'd never forgot the pain that those terrible waters have cost.

((HELLO AGAIN EVERYONE! :D so yes I finally updated! I wanted to get yo back story down with. READER-CHAN NOW HAZ A FULL LIFE! Not really...I lied about the "little mermaid" appearing I kinda changed my thoughts up on the story a bit so yeah. But don't worry he'll appear soon. IF I WRITE WITH LESS DETAIL! Anyway I hope ya'll enjoyed this CHPT and I'll see all of you later. BYYYYYEEEEEEE X3 *flys away on magic carpet ride*))

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