Chapter 6~Back to Hell

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Previously on last Chapter: You were saved...but your savior wasn't how you expected them to be. Unless actual people can change their legs to a fin, then yeah. But you were basically saved by a fish boy...

You continued to watch and you swore you saw faint streaks and splotches of...purple on Eren's turquoise tail.

You squinted your eyes. 'Why do I feel like I saw something similar before?'

Shaking off that thought once more you started to make your way home....

'A mermaid...or a merman.  Ha, I need surfier help.


Questions. Questions. More questions. That's all you ever got now. As soon as you came home your dad asked you what happened. Basically your friends ran around town telling everyone about the storm that hit them and how they still never found you.


You never were able to shake of the feeling of shock at meeting the merman. Something sparked through your mind....a feeling that, if mermaids are really alive then your mom was right. But what could've happened that night that got her so upset?
Your thoughts were all jumbled up, the only topic really forming in your mind was sleep.
Though in bed your mind still tried to hold on to an idea....Though the way his scales were....the color....



Ah yes, now as we move on with your boring life, it has begun that time of the day were the undead rose up from their tombstone slumber, and devoured everything on their plate. It was morning.

Quickly, you jumped (fell) out of bed, shooting off towards the bathroom where you finished off your regular morning routine, brushing teeth, hair, and ignoring random phone calls from Timbuktu.
As you came downstairs and shoved a piece of toast in your mouth, your dad stepped in front of you blocking your way from the door.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your friends basically barged in here crazy screaming that the almighty Poseidon has killed you. What happened?"

Once again you rolled your eyes.
'I can't tell him what happened. He'll think I hit my head to hard on a rock and would send me to the hospital.'

"Nothing happened. I just swam my way back, okay? Good now I have a satanic bus to catch."

With that you shoved past your father and burst out through the door, catching the ride to hell. Probably now to be bombarded by friends.

((LE time skip coz I'm fookin lazeh))

The day was going by slow as hell.
You kept fidgeting in your seat, getting called out by teachers, or not finishing your work only because your thoughts from home have followed you to cling to your mind.
'Its not real. None of it's real. It was a dream, nothing happened.'
Your friends reactions made it difficult to convince yourself that.
Once they saw you in the halls they made a scene, especially Sasha and Connie. Of course you couldn't blame them for it. Everyone seemed shocked and confused. The events before all seemed to fake....
How could that really happen?
And yet it was true. You even saw more than they did, and it was true.

Just as you did with your father, you lied to your friends, saying that you merely found a way to swim back to shore. You felt more terrible. Your friends were more family to you than your father actually.
Lying to them like this left a huge feeling of guilt, especially since most of them believed that crap.
As you left to your separate classes, you noticed Armin's look on you. He knew you were lying.
Once again you turned away and made a dash for it, just to hide the guilt on your face.
"Yo (y/n) lighten up, your alive right?" Jean nudged your shoulder getting you out of your thoughts. You shook your head, looking up at him.

"Oh yeah uh huh." You responded.

You've been like that all day.

The classroom door opened with a "creak" as the two of you scurried inside, hopeful to not be noticed by Mr. Ackerman's vulture eyes.

"Kirschtein, (L/N)"

You flinched, letting out a sigh as you turned, meeting with the hostile iron eyes of your teacher.
Maybe he was in a good mood, or maybe he saw how worn out you look because the male only let out a warning to you both, a:"if you be late again there will be consequences," warning.

For now, everything seemed fine. Fine.
The few content moments of class going as usual, chatter, laughter, and the sound of books against desk filling the air. Until the same low voice of your teacher spoke again, tearing into the regular routine.

'Probably just some announcement to tell off Connie to stop making a mess of the boys bathroom again. Just as usual.'

But of course nothing now will go on as "the usual."

"Listen up you twerps, a new br-addition shall be coming in anytime now, so just for the sake of the whole damn world don't mess up their mind with all your stupidity."

The class nodded in unison, even though everyone was lying. All topics switched to the new student, it was already the end of the day though why was this person only showing up now?

For once you didn't indulge in the conversations, which seemed strange to your friends, you were to much in thought to really care about a new student.

No one noticed the footsteps, No one noticed the silent opening of the door. But when one person did everyone's head turned, and eyes locked onto the figure walking into the classroom.

You were the last to look up and turn. Your eyes went wide, your breath froze.

All you saw was turquoise.

((HELLO I HAS RETURNED FROM THE PITS OF HELL FROM 124098764 YEARS! So yeah this chapter is finally written and published :/ btw I edited the story coz at the beginning it said school ended when really it didn't so YA WELCOME MORE HELL FOR YALL AND YEAH! Um...have a great day/noon/night


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