Chapter 2

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(What Marius looks like

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(What Marius looks like. I know it's male Mavis but they're twins. Please don't come for me alright. This is not my drawing)

Still Your POV:

I held my head when Johnny came up next to me. "You alright Angel?" I looked up and hit Johnny's arm. "Yeah I fine but my head hurts a lot" I told him as he helped me stand up. I looked to my left and I saw a cape in front of Johnny and I. "Um, who is that?" Another male voice said. "Who is what? Oh!Oh, that? That is a nobody." "Seriously, Dad" I heard a female voice say. Johnny moved his cape and I saw two twins. One boy, one girl. "Dad?!" Johnny said hysterically. "Yeah, I know. Dracula's son" The boy said and pointed to his sister. "Dracula's daughter. Everybody freaks out a first." Johnny and I looked at each other then back at them, "Dracula?!" Johnny screamed. "Okay, we gotta go"

[Dracula's bedroom]

We we go to this room Johnny started screaming telling Dracula not to kill us. I facepalm and ignored everything that was happening until Drac started flying Johnny out the window. I followed them about to fly out when I saw two other bats. "Mavey! Mari! Wh-What are you doing, my sweet little blood oranges? Our friends were just leaving?" Drac told his children. "Yeah he was flying me out the window"

No duh Johnny

I heard Drac laugh nervously and fly Johnny back inside. "This guy is so funny" I watched Drac turn human and move Johnny away from the window. I sighed and leanes up against the wall. "Oh look there's something on your face" I'm guessing he told Johnny to play along. I saw his kids fly inside and turn back into humans. Marius looked over at me and winked.

I looked away with a blush on my cheeks. "Whoa. So, wait, you didn't have any clothes on when you were a bat? Or were they bat sized" I walked over to Johnny and slapped the back of his head. "Who exactly are they" The girl, Mavis, I believe asked her father. "Mmmmmm..... Honey Bat, you see, it's you guys's birthday, and, you know, I want you to have the bestest, specialist party of your life. So... well... I need some help" He lied to his kids.

"You needed help?" His son asked folding his arms with a smirk. I chuckled but covered it up when I saw Drac glare at me. "Well, look, I am pretty good, but I thought that it would be even more bestest, specialist, if some kids closer to your age helped plan tye party" He said pointing to me and side hugging Johnny. Marius excitedly to me and his sister to Johnny said, "You're my age?"

"Sure! Uh, well, how old are you?" Johnny asked and I nodded. "A hundred and eighteen" they both said. "One hundred and--" Drac and I both elbowed him in the side. "Yeah.... I'm 121" "Really?" Mavis said excitedly. They then turned and me and I said, "Oh I'm 117" I said with a smile. I saw Marius air kiss me with a smile. I turned away turning even redder.

"So you guys see? Everything is very, very normal. I'm throwing a party and they are helping" Drac continued lying. Zoning out Marius came up to me wrapping his arm around my waist, "So, Pretty Baby, how's it going?" I rolled my eyes. We continued our flirty banter till Mavis dragged her brother away and I turned back to Drac.

"Okay, you're not hanging out. Because you guys are leaving" He walked up to a wall and pushed one of the rocks in opening a doorway.

..... Long story short, he dragged us all over the hotel until we came to an opening seeing Frankenstein, The Werewolf man, and the Mummy throwing zombies. I followed behind Drac but was pulled away into someone's arms. I looked and saw Marius. "So, what's your name pretty baby?" I playfully rolled my eyes. "It's Y/n" "Beautiful, just like you" I looked away from him put he turned my head back towards him.

"I'm Marius" I thought for a moment and smiled. "I'm gonna call you Mar" He was about to say something else but was cut off by Johnny screaming.

Oh no.... Now what?!

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