•Chapter- 6•

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I thought maybe someone was troubling her or maybe she got injured but this is a different level situation and I couldn't help but laugh as I saw what was happening

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I thought maybe someone was troubling her or maybe she got injured but this is a different level situation and I couldn't help but laugh as I saw what was happening. Listening to me laugh she looked up and started crying for help.

"Hieee! Can you please help me!? It's huge! And I am scared! I want to live for some more years! I haven't even fallen in love yet! Please help!!" She said while shooing the college dog in front of her with a small stick in her hand whereas the dog was sitting calmly staring at this crazy girl.

The stick in her hand actually looks like a wand from Harry Potter and I doubled over laughing. When I felt like she was staring at me I composed myself. Fuck I never laugh in front of strangers!

"Buddy! Come here! Come on!" I beckoned him towards me. Buddy stays on campus and he is actually a very friendly dog! I and my friends always feed him something and play with him when we are free. I love dogs and he is one of my favorites. It's convenient here to play with him as my mother doesn't allow me to get dogs inside the house as she is also scared.

"Come on! Go inside" I said motioning him to go inside and he silently turned around leaving not before growling a little which made her jump and yelp a little as she lost her footing and she cowered behind me holding my hand steadying herself.

Damn....it feels good. Fuck it feels good to have her close to me. She checked whether he left or not and sighed in relief.

"Thank god! That monster is gone!" She said rubbing the sweat on her forehead and her tears with her right hand, her left still holding my arm close and I just stared at her with a smile. When she realized that my arm is in her hands she quickly left it and gave me a nervous smile looking here and there.

"Thank you! I can't imagine what would have happened to my life if you didn't come!" She said looking really grateful that I couldn't help but laugh again.

"You are maybe 22 years old and you are also this big. He is a small dog! Why are you even scared of him!?" I asked and her eyes went wide immediately.

"Small!? From which angle was it small to you?? It is such a big dog!!!! And it's so scary baring its teeth to me!" She said gulping probably remembering him and I chuckled.

"First of all, it's a 'he' and his name is Buddy! Plus he is a very friendly dog and he won't bite you so don't worry in case you come across him again" I said and she shook her head.

"Nope! Not happening! I am not coming towards this side again! The only reason I came here was that there are lilies and those are my favorite flowers so I wanted to take some. Now I am not gonna keep my life in danger again" she said pointing towards the Lilly flowers on the side of the breaches and comically nodded her head.

She is so cute as a button! She is so expressive! Her dark brown eyes.....nope not even dark brown....they are steel black eyes, so big and depict every emotion just with a stare, a look. Her plump lips keep moving because she is super talkative. And she is soft......from whatever contact I had with her she is so soft like a teddy bear.

Noticing that am staring at her and that was making her nervous I looked away and cleared my throat.

"Since he went inside I guess you can take your flowers now" I said pointing towards them and her eyes lit up.

"Oh yes! I can do that!" She said sprinting towards them and collecting some in her hands. She held up one flower and sniffed it enjoying its smell with a small smile and that....that image right there is something which will be imprinted on my mind forever. She looks so serene, so beautiful.

After collecting what she needs she came to me with a smile and held up one flower in front of him. I got quite stunned to talk and took that flower with a questioning gaze.

"Thank you for helping me out" she said and I just shrugged.

Remembering something I immediately asked her.
"Why did you show me that sign that day in the canteen?" I asked something which kept bugging me and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Because you did a superb job at helping Sameera. A lot of people are witnesses to bullying but only a few people don't tolerate it and speak up not just for themselves but for others too. What you did was....kind. You do so much good for people than you realize Shourya. That's why!" She said with a wide smile.

A lot of people have told me how great I am but hearing it from her.........it felt nice. Her voice is so soft and comforting......why am I noticing these things again?

"Uh...thank you!" I said rubbing the nape of my neck and we heard the bell ring. The college is about to close.

She sighed and looked at me "It was nice talking to you Shourya! Until Next Time?" She said extending her hand towards me.

I took her hand in mine relishing at how good it feels to hold her hand and smiled.

"Until Next Time" I said and we shook our hands turning in our directions to leave.

Fuck! I am feeling a lot of things today......I thought smiling while smelling the Lilly flower she gave me.

As I walked towards the main entrance after collecting my stuff I met with my friends who looked quizzically at the flower in my hand.

"Whoa! Who gave it to you? Did anyone propose??" Zain asked and I shook my head.

"It's nothing. Shut up and let's go" I said and walked ahead of them though it was hard as they are continuously questioning me. As soon as I reached my bike I gave them a hard stare which shut them up.

"Paridhi gave it to me" I said and their jaws fell open.

"Newbie is so fast!!! Tell me how was the proposal!?" Rohit asked and I smacked his head.

"Why is a flower always associated with a proposal you dipshit!? She gave it as a thank you because I saved her from Buddy as she is scared of dogs. Happy now?" I said and they both stood there with slumped shoulders.

"Ughh!! Boring! But it's fine! You are like her knight in shining armor. We will work through it" Rohit said and I wanted to punch his face.

"Why are you guys this silly!? Always talking about me getting together with her!?" I said and Zain took out his car keys smiling.

"Because we both know you like her. It's visible bro! You should do something about it before it's too late. She has quite the following you know? A lot of guys want to be with her. Just saying" he said and that put me in thought.

I should do something about it, right?

Hello lovely readers!!!! Here is their first official meeting lol! Where they actually spoke a bit!? How did you find it?? Lemme know! And I'll be updating again tomorrow as I am going out today with my family! But don't worry I'll try to update as soon as I can! Enjoy your day dear readers!!!

Hello lovely readers!!!! Here is their first official meeting lol! Where they actually spoke a bit!? How did you find it?? Lemme know! And I'll be updating again tomorrow as I am going out today with my family! But don't worry I'll try to update a...

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