•Chapter- 22•

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(Hey there guys! Please read Chapter- 21 before reading this as I have already updated that before in case you missed it! Enjoy reading!!)

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(Hey there guys! Please read Chapter- 21 before reading this as I have already updated that before in case you missed it! Enjoy reading!!)

Going home, the entire way was painful and I was dreading about what was going to happen at home all way. No matter how many times Ritu reassured me it was going to be okay, I know it won't. Where that witch is concerned, I know it's not going to be okay. I know she will do something to make it tough for us. She hated my guts especially and I know she will try to ruin my life.

As soon as we reached home and rang the bell, Maa opened the door and looked at my face. Her eyes softened and she pulled me and Ritu inside.

I saw that not only my Dad and that witch but my Raghu Paa (Ritu's dad) and Sindu Maa (Ritu's Mom) were also sitting there.

Dad's face showed or more like screamed anger. I can see the vein in his forehead popping up. Bua is smirking looking at me and I clenched my jaw.

"Maa, Papa" Ritu said surprised and shocked at seeing them. Sindhu Maa just signaled her to stay silent and she smiled at me in reassurance.

I gulped and took a deep breath and looked at my Dad.

"Papa" I called and he looked up at me.

"Is what didi said true?" He asked and I took another deep breath and nodded my head. In an instant, I heard a sting and realized my Dad slapped me.

"How could you do that? Kissing a guy in the hallway? How dare you? How could you do something so shameless? Is that how we raised you?" He yelled at me and instantly tears sprung to my eyes.

Raghu Paa pulled him back and made him sit down.

"Bhai, sit down. Calm down first. Listen to her. She is a child bhaiya" he said calming him down and that witch spike in between.

"You shut up Raghu. Child? This child of his was doing such unspeakable things! The way she was kissing him there. I cannot explain! She was doing all shameless things. Her mother raised her with no shame and this girl is growing up with a dirty character. That's why I said you should've never let her study further and married her to my friend's son" she said and I looked at her. How could she?! Fucking bitch.

"Don't you dare say nonsense to my dad! You are lying and exaggerating whatever you want" I said pointing a finger at her in anger. My Dad again got up and this time walked towards me with a furious look.

"Don't speak that way to her Paridhi. I have given you a lot of freedom and you have misused it. You are to not speak to that boy again. And you listen to me, Pari. Forget all this love and stay put. Otherwise, you can forget about going to college too. Now go to your room" he said and I fisted my hands.

"Papa, I get you are angry but once listen to me, please. You are not in your senses" I said and he started shouting.

"I said go to your room Paridhi. I didn't ask for your opinion" he yelled in my face and my Mom quickly intervened.

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