•Chapter- 16•

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"I cannot believe that you are the first one out of the three of us who got into a relationship!!" Rohit exclaimed and I rolled my eyes

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"I cannot believe that you are the first one out of the three of us who got into a relationship!!" Rohit exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Get used to believing it then" I said annoyed at his constant poking and teasing. When he poked me again, my patience level went thin and I took him into a headlock pretty easily and he started yelping as I hit him on the back.

*Asshole, stop teasing me" I said and he laughed while wincing at my punch.

"Ouch! Leave me fucker!" He said and I left him. Zain laughed at his red face and patted his back while Rohit coughed.

"I am happy for you bro. You both are amazing together and you deserve it" Zain said looking at me and I smiled.

"Did either of you drop the 'L-word yet?" Rohit asked and I shook my head.

"No we didn't" I said and looked forward as we walked to the other block.

"I know you like her a lot. Do you think...you....love her?" Rohit asked expectantly and I pondered over his question.

Love is a very strong word. I know I am on the line right now. I know how she makes me feel and I know I am liking her too much too fast and falling hard. But we just started......I don't want to overwhelm this moment, our relationship and explore with her.

"I don't know.....I know that I like her so much it can be said that it's love. I know that......I see a future with her. She is easy, feels easy, I feel comfortable with her, cared for and even.......loved" I said with a smile on my face and Rohit touched my shoulder.

"Shouru, I don't know about you but looking at your eyes, you love her already man" he said and I looked at him. He is smiling and even Zain. I don't know what to say so I just looked away and cleared my throat.

"Let's go to Sir's cabin" I said and they both snickered following me.

I knocked on Sir's door and after he asked us to come in, we entered. Anurag Sir looked up at us smiling and I also noticed our Dean, Jonathan sitting there with him.

"Good Afternoon Sir" we greeted both of them and they smiled at us.

"Good Afternoon boys. Give me two minutes and after they come we will start the meeting" he said and I was confused.

Meeting? About what? And who else has to come? I wondered and my questions were answered soon as there was a knock on the door. Sir asked them to come and I saw my girl and Anjana coming in along with another girl I think, from her class.

"Hello, guys! Come in" Anurag Sir smiled at them. Even Pari looked surprised noticing me here. Behind them followed, Fine Arts Department HOD, Shivam Saxena.

I got even more confused now as to what this meeting could be.

"So I know you all are confused about this meeting. I'll clarify. This is about the international conference that is going to take place one and a half month later. This is a very prestigious and important conference for our University. And we need to plan this event properly. This is where you come in. We discussed which two departments will plan the event as we do with any other event. Fine Arts Department and Biotechnology were the first choices but we all know how Biotechnology Department is not that great at event planning so we chose Management Department.

We picked the resumes with great event planning skill sets and you lot are the best ones. Shourya, Rohit, and Zain, the debate event you three planned was a success.

Paridhi, I have seen your record from the Bangalore campus and I know that you were phenomenal with your event planning for various shows there. Anjana and Shreya helped out with event planning and management for the fine arts show last year which went amazing so, you guys have been picked out to be the heads of this show.

Since we cannot take care of everything, you guys will coordinate with the faculty to make this event a success.

We picked out potential candidates to assist you in this. We will read out names right now so you can know who they are" the dean said all of this in one go and to be honest, it was a lot of information.

I am okay with this because this event planning will only add to my skill set and it will be a boost for job applications later. When the dean was talking about Pari, I felt proud listening to how she carried out those events amazingly. I have to ask her about those later.

"Is this clear with you all?" Jonathan Sir asked making sure and we all nodded our heads.

"Now, your heads will be Anurag Sir and Shivam Sir. Along with them, Indira Mam, Mithali Mam, and Neena Mam will also assist them. Now the candidates who will be assisting you are,

Amrita Sharma, Nikhil Patel, Rithivk Agnihotri, Rekha Mishra, Myra Shah, Mathew Jacob, and Vivek Singh. These people will be your helping hands and assistants. We will send a mail of all this information to all of you and you are supposed to have a team meeting to figure this out. Shourya is the team leader and you all report to him.

You all can start after a week or two but make sure to be planned. As your finals are approaching make sure to focus on them. We have one week after finals for the event. So if the planning is done before that, we can move forward with the event after exams are finished. Am I clear?" He explained and asked and everyone said yes.

"Sir, we need a workout plan with the faculty as well. Can we start next week so it will be easier for us? Considering we have our exams in four weeks precisely a month" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Sure Shourya" he said and after discussing some more points about the conference the meeting finished.

Shivam Sir, Jonathan Sir, went out of the room and even the new girl who is a part of our team went out when Anurag Sir got up came to me, and hugged me.

"I am so happy for you Shourya!" He said smiling widely and I know why he is saying that. It's not a surprise to me that everyone on campus knows about my relationship status now.

"Thank you Sir" I said smiling back at him. He turned to Pari and hugged her as well much to her surprise. She looks so awkward that I chuckled and she just glared at me.

"Thank you for giving this dumb guy a life beta. He is a little rough around the edges but is a huge softy. Take care of him" he said softly and she smiled at him.

"I will Sir, I know he is a rowdy but nothing I can't handle" she said so cutely that Sir three his head back and laughed. Our friends were chuckling as well.

I just winked at her and she blushed looking away.

'Life is so better now! I used to just live through each day before but now, I look forward to every moment, every day, every second with my munchkin!' I thought as I looked at my girl's bright face.

Hello lovely people!!!!! Here is another chapter for you all as you all asked!! Hope you enjoy it!! Things are going to pick up from now so be ready peeps!!! Lemme know your thoughts!

Hello lovely people!!!!! Here is another chapter for you all as you all asked!! Hope you enjoy it!! Things are going to pick up from now so be ready peeps!!! Lemme know your thoughts!

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