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Julia digging in my tangled hair with a comb was making me wince. She was holding scissors in her teeth while I silently sat on a stool in our room. I couldn't help but sigh.

She was almost twitching from happiness yet there was nothing to be happy about. I'm not sure what she thought she had accomplished by flapping her big mouth in front of him, now the mistresses were going to be twice as horrid to us.

Still, thank god for her presence. She said she was back at the manor for the day because of a storm. Thank god for her uncontained tongue as well. She straight up ratted out those bitches to the alpha. The one thing I wouldn't do to protect her.

I can't believe she was all over me about shutting up and taking it and then ended up being the one who unveiled everything.
Maybe me attacking Scarlet gave her some sort of courage.

And Killian...was confusing me...

What happened in that kitchen? Did my job change? Did my rank change? 

He threw a fit just because they cut my hair...

"I don't get it..." I declared.

"That crazy fucker has a crush on you!" she answered without missing a beat and some mixed emotion came over me at those words. Confusion and...joy.


Sure I've felt lust in him for me a bunch of times. He definitely wanted to fuck me. But a crush involves affection and he clearly had none for me, quite the contrary, he wanted me dead, resented me because of his brother, as much as I resented him for my sister.

"Don't be dumb!" I denied, part of me hating my very own pessimism.

"I've seen him fight with his arm almost detached from his body without even being phased, he smashed his opponent's skull like he was opening a coconut and went back to his office," she stopped to make a part in the center of my hair, "Landon pestered him into letting Hershey treat his wounds but he gave zero fucks," she announced, "Yet he got that angry your hair was cut?" she added.

Strangely the thought of Killian being hurt made me cringe, it wasn't enjoyable to me at all, and the mention of Landon made me sad, I didn't even know that man, for all I know he could've been a nice wolf. 

Wait no, he was there to buy me. How nice could he be? 

"There's definitely more to it!" she spoke seriously, "You killed a dangerous, crazy alpha and then pussy whipped his older, unstable and deadly brother," she clapped her hands together and I frowned. "Atta girl!"

Instable? Crazy?
Neither Landon, nor Killian's behaviors betrayed insanity. Killian looked rather self-possessed, logical and...HE MADE ME EAT MY RAT! What am I talking about!

I take it back! The fuck is wrong with me that I feel the need to defend him? He's completely psychotic! Listen to Julia, she's impartial and has been here longer!


"I pussy whipped nobody, Scarlet is his favorite!" I spit those words back out like they were vinegar someone force-fed me.

"That title is bogus! She comes on to him full force with no self-respect and he's not gonna say no to fucking her, he's male after all..." she continued sectioning my hair. I wasn't sure how good of a hairstylist she was but I didn't care either. At this point, just evening it out would be good enough, "Plus I'm pretty sure he thinks rejecting her will hurt her pride and he's too much of a gentleman to do that."

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