39- Behaved

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Killian's hand was the only thing touching my face as he covered my eyes to prevent me from seeing her lifeless body on the ground, but I had already caugh a glimpse of it for a second and that was more than enough.

I made an attempt to move.

Scream, cry or simply breath. Maybe even jump at Collin's throat to dig my nails in his flesh, pull out his esophagus with my bare hands and watch him fall to his knees as his empty, disgusting life flashes through his eyes... But I was immobilized. No muscle of mine wanted to listen to my will.

I want to die...

Startled, Killian's head turned to face me. As if I said something, but I hadn't. He studied me closely, sitting on the desk with his palm over my eyes, motionless, noticing that I wasn't reacting to what had just happened, which unnerved him.

"Riley?" he asked, moving towards me before releasing his grip. He observed me for a moment, my gaze locked on his chest. I sought for something deep inside of me that I couldn't quite reach. At that moment, it felt possible to command my heart to simply stop beating. "Riley.." he murmured again before gently grabbing my chin; the tenderness in his voice unfroze me and I blinked, snappnig out of it. Outraged, he turned around abruptly.

"I said to wait outside!" he growled.

"My apologies." Collin said before he bowed and retreated.

Inside my mind, my ears were ringing. I was so devoid of emotion that the only remaining ones were Killian's, he was disappointed that he lost leverage over me, but he didn't hold it against Collin as he was doing his job. His henchmen were outside, instructed not to let anyone in while he dealt with me personally. Being inside Killian's head with the absence of my own thoughts to run interferences made everything so vivid. I could read him like a book.

He wasn't that bummed over losing Ruth because he had another pawn to play. That realization rang multiple alarms in my head, could it be my dad? He threatened me with him just moments earlier. I felt my my temperature drop and a warm liquid pour down from my nose onto my lips. When it penetrated my mouth, I tasted iron.I sensed Killian becoming frustrated as he glanced back at me and saw the nosebleed. He put his arms around me to carry me off the desk and began to walk away, like a hunter taking his prey home, . That is when the adrenaline kicked in and I finally managed to move.

"Is she dead?" I muttered. I had to see for myself. This was the second body shot in front of me that I did not get to see.
I know her head exploded but she might not be dead.

If so, she needed help!

"Shhh," he said, shoving my head against his shoulder and swiftly walking out the door.


She has a son..

"Help her-" a sob broke me off, and he instantly grabbed my face to try to kiss me, and I understood in his mind that he was going to comfort me so I became desensitized and he would be facing no repercussions for what had just happened. A storm was brewing inside me, ready to erupt and a kiss was not going to prevent it. I looked away quickly, slamming my hands into his face to get as far away as possible. "NO!" I refused, but he grabbed me again; I began scratching at his face and hammering on his shoulder erratically; my own blood smeared his jaw as I attempted to squirm out of his arm and free myself from him.

Everything I had been terrified of happening...was beginning to unfold.

.... I awoke to the sound of men speaking, my head pounding and my eye feeling as if it no longer fit in its own cavity. I rubbed it, trying to relieve the migraine that had returned once more.

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