Chapter 11: Buzzkill

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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟸𝚗𝚍
Griffin POV

Growing up around girls means that I've seen a lot of sappy shit.

Our house was always the go-to sleepover spot for Roselyn and her possé in middle school. During those nights, I witnessed more chick flick and romance movies than I care to admit. Still, to this day, Mom and Roselyn are avid binge watchers of the Bachelorette, along with every other dating show that has been aired in the last ten years. I won't even begin to go into detail about the romantic bullshit I've seen Forrest and Roselyn do in the past.

But this little gay reunion? It's so overpoweringly sweet that I can practically feel the cavities forming in my teeth. All of those stupid romance movies have nothing on this moment.

Parkers reaction isn't the only mushy one. Roselyn runs into Miles arms next, giving him such a big squeeze that his eyes almost pop out. Both Aunt Quinn and Uncle Emmett are puddles by the time they get to greet him. Even the rest of our football buddies are ecstatic to see him— it's ten minutes of hugging, laughter, teasing, and tears.

The entire time that Miles is preoccupied with greeting everyone else, Parker hovers in the background like a security guard. He never leaves the invisible two foot radius that's around Miles, as if he's ready to tackle the first person that looks at him wrong.

Miles finally turns away from the last person and faces me, his smile twisting into a smirk. "Long time no see, Bird."

"Kilometers." I try to smile, though it doesn't reach my eyes. "That's bullshit, I literally talked to you last night."

"'Talked to him'?" Parker echos and steps forward, intentionally laying a hand on Miles shoulder. His other hand motions between the two of us. "Wait, Griffin you were in on this? And never even told me?!"

I shrug. "To be fair, I didn't tell anyone except for your parents. Besides, I got threatened with death threats if the secret slipped."

Not just death threats. His words from the other week still hit a wrong cord in my body.

A lot of people might be intimidated by you, but I see right through your shit man. You're nothing except a suburban white boy that hides his insecurities behind a bad attitude and a few adrenaline fueled punches.

This sick bitch. Now that I'm looking at Miles in the flesh, my fingers twitch. I'd love nothing more than to punch him in the throat and show him what a suburban white boy can really do. If it weren't for our mutual caring of Parker and how well Miles takes care of him, I wouldn't hesitate to swing. His cockiness is starting to piss me off.

"God!" Parker gasps and tries to act offended, although that act drops the moment that he faces Miles. "I'm more surprised that you kept it a secret."

Grinning, Miles brushes the hair off of Parkers forehead and gives it a gentle kiss. "I am too. I almost let it slip more than once. We just wanted to make it a good birthday for you."

I'm going to drink bleach.

I turn and walk away from Thing One and Thing Two as they chatter more sweet nothings, the fury in my stomach simmering on low.

As I walk into the kitchen, the sight of our families' potluck is a welcome sight. My stomach growls as I unstick two paper plates and jump into line first, making a beeline to my aunts famous buffalo chicken dip.

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