Chapter 24: Shopping For The Truth

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𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟸𝟿𝚝𝚑
Parker POV

"How does this look?"

Forrest turns around and steps out from behind a rack of sweaters, holding a striped shirt of various green shades up to his chest.

Miles looks up from admiring a pair of shoes and raises one eyebrow. "Dude, I'm gay and even I wouldn't wear that."

"Ditto," I agree with a laugh. "Where did Rose go? You need to put that shirt away and let her help you out."

Forrest frowns and holds the shirt away from his body, scanning it as if he's seeing it for the first time. Whatever he comes up with is enough to make him hang the hook back on the rack. "I didn't think it was that bad..."

Miles casts me an opinionated look from the side of his eye, which makes me cough into my elbow to stifle a giggle.

"I'm baaaack!" Rose sings as she comes prancing down the main aisle of the American Eagle store, her arms loaded up with enough colors, textures, and shapes of clothes for a small army. "I was able to find a ton of options in the clearance section. Come on Forrest, this stuff is for you!"

"All of it? For me? We've already bought enough clothes for an entire months worth of school! My closet isn't big enough for all of this," Forrest gripes but he still follows Rose towards the changing rooms.

"Nonsense!" Rose pauses to throw a few shirts back at him, which he barely catches before they can hit the floor. "I'm the queen of storage!"

Miles chuckles to himself as they walk out of earshot and slips next to me as I paw through a rack of sweatshirts. He nudges me with his elbow. "I think that's the first time I've ever seen Forrest tell her no."

"If you can't already tell, he's not huge on shopping. Don't tell Rose this, but sometimes when he gets home, he'll return some of the things that she bought for him because he feels bad," I admit and spin towards my boyfriend, reaching my hands out in a silent question.

He passes the shopping bags that he was holding for me back over. "I get the feeling. Kinda. Honestly, in my opinion, I think it's great being a sugar baby for one day." He grins, all crinkled eyes and white teeth.

"Shut up! Just because I bought you one shirt and one pair of shoes doesn't make me the provider of sugar," I say, amused, and begin to walk in the direction that Roselyn and Forrest went.

Miles follows hot on my heels and light on his feet, all smiles as he dances around my side. He manages to skip backwards while facing me without sending any carts of clothes flying. "The provider of sugar? I'm putting that on a tshirt for your Christmas gift. In fact, that's your slogan. Look at this."

He stops so suddenly that I physically run into his chest, letting out a soft oof.

Miles grabs my shoulder and runs his hand down to the hem of my tshirt.

I squeak when he lifts it up and I smack his hand repeatedly. "What are you doing?!" He hardly lifts the hem more than two inches except it feels like he ripped my shirt off in public. I can't be angry or embarrassed with him when he's in this goofy type of mood.

"Baby, you're wearing fuckin' Versace. I'm pretty sure that I stole the shirt I have on from a Walmart when I was sixteen."

"Wait, you've shoplifted?"

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