Chapter 28: The Gang Is Back Together

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𝚃𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟼𝚝𝚑
Parker POV

Never in a million years did I think that I would admit this, but I'll say it: I'm stoked for the first day of school.

That fact is made better and brighter only because of the person holding my hand as we walk into the school together. To add to my earlier statement, I also never thought I'd enter this school again with my boyfriend next to me. Truly, this entire day is a miracle.

Miles inhales deeply, casts his eyes on the school, and squeezes my hand, obviously enjoying this moment as much as I am.

As we step onto the sidewalk, he's careful to keep the brand-new Nikes that I bought him from scuffing against the concrete. He paired the shoes with khaki-colored cargo pants and a vintage tshirt that he thrifted a month ago, so of course, he looks damn good.

I have no one to impress anymore, which means I was able to leave the house with a pair of beat-up Air Forces on my feet, dusty green pants, and a thin cream sweatshirt. Besides, Miles' outfits usually steal my thunder as it is.

Even now, heads turn the closer we get to the steady stream of students going inside the doors.

Eyes flicker past me, down to our intertwined hands, and back up to Miles. Girls whisper behind their palms and try to point at us discreetly. Boys aren't afraid to point blatantly.

I catch fragments of sentences as we head inside.

"Wait, Miles is back in town?..."
"... thought they broke up..."
"I was told that he tried overdosing..."
"... wasn't he supposed to be gone?"
"These stupid gays..."

One year ago, if I had heard the stuff that my peers are coming up with and saying behind our backs right now, I would've turned my ass around and ran right back out those doors. The thought of anyone knowing my repressed secret would have killed me.

Today, I smile when Miles slips his hand up my wrist and settles his arm around my shoulders. He tugs me closer to his side and tilts his head down. His breath tickles my ear while simultaneously sending goosebumps over my skin.

"I feel like we're on display at a zoo. I forgot how nuts these people are," Miles murmurs.

I chew my cheek to keep from grinning and try my best to keep my gaze forward. If I were to start looking around at people, everyone would know we're talking shit.

"Trust me, I always forget, too. Ignore them," I reply quietly.

Miles laughs and throws his arm off me to bump me with his elbow. "Yeah, okay, says you!"

My scolding response dies in my throat as Declan fights his way against the crowd's current, making a bee-line toward us.

"Holy shit! I don't believe my eyes!" Declan hoots, practically running over a small freshman girl. "If it isn't Miles Holt! What's up, buddy?! I thought your ass got carted out of here!"

I stand back and smile while Miles beams. He meets Declan halfway in the busy lobby, and the two boys embrace. The crowd of students split around us like the Red Sea.

Watching them hug, even as fast as it is, makes my gut knot with jealousy. I know it's stupid and childish as hell, especially when I had Miles on his knees in front of me last night, yet I can't help the feeling. Seeing him in such proximity to other guys is almost enough to make me want to grab him by the back of his shirt and drag him away.

Breaking The Rules: Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora