I Got You, Always

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I played around with the bits of lettuce on my plate while my mind sat miles away. It was around lunchtime and I was seated in the hospital cafeteria with Wang and Kiara who were discussing her upcoming wedding. I sensed the excitement from the pair and while I was excited for Kiara, my mind and heart were elsewhere at that moment. 

Fall had arrived and while it wasn't felt because it was only mid-September, it was still evident there was a switch in seasons. For some reason, my anxiety was at a high and I didn't understand why because for the last week, things in my life were quite smooth.

I tried to reach out to Leo but after I checked on his wounds the morning after, he left and I hadn't heard from him since. Dave said he tried to reach out too but Leo hadn't responded to his texts either. I wanted to call Leo's mom or his brother but felt out of place and they'd know something was amiss if I asked them about Leo. 

Mitchell and I were in a good space. Thankfully, other than silly bickering because he found it amusing to tease and irritate me, we hadn't fought. Mitchell felt bad for our last argument, he apologized one too many times and in typical Mitchell fashion, he made it up to me by getting a bouquet of my favorite flowers delivered to my place every morning. 

Mitchell also spent the entire week at my place to make up for the time he'd be away. He and Mason were currently out of the country for work and although it had only been a day since Mitchell left, I already missed him. 

"Lots of dancing so I suggest you wear comfortable shoes," Kiara spoke. 

"Did you hear that, Mila? No heels," Wang said to me. 

"Wear heels, just bring a pair of flats," Kiara corrected. 

"Mils." Wang nudged me. 

"Hmm?" I snapped out of my reverie and plastered on a grin. 

"Are you alright? You've been quiet all day," Kiara spoke. 

"Yeah, all good." I smiled. "I'm sorry I spaced out, I have a lot on my mind." I dropped my fork and took a sip of water. "What were you guys saying about heels?"

Kiara was about to reply but her watch buzzed. "Jim will fill you in." Kiara stood and grabbed her things. "Nowak has finally made some time to see me with the head of HR."

"HR?" I frowned. "Is everything alright?"

Kiara sighed. "Yeah, all good. I'm butting heads with getting time off for my wedding. I've been told I need to choose to take off the week for my wedding or Diwali, which is like the biggest Hindu festival."

"That's not fair."

"I know and I wouldn't have minded working through Diwali but I have plans to visit my grandmother in India who is ill and won't be able to come for the wedding. Rishi and I want to get her blessings."

"I'm sorry Kiara, I wish there was something I could do to help."

"Thanks, but labor laws are out of our pay grade."

"I could get some advice from Mitch if it's okay with you to discuss this with him."

"Nowak is backing me up with this. If all else fails, I might take you up on that offer." Kiara grinned at both of us. "I'll see you guys later. Wish me luck."

"Good luck," Wang and I said in unison as Kiara walked off. 

"So, you guys were saying?" I turned to Wang. 

"That's not important right now," Wang seriously said. "What's going on with you? You're oddly quiet today."

I ran a hand through my hair and huffed. "I don't have an answer this time. I just have a weird, anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach and no matter how hard I try, I can't get rid of it."

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