I Hate Halloween

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The trip to Aspen had some tense moments but it sure was an eye-opener. I learned to balance my time better and stopped neglecting my relationship. I also learned to give Leo some space and stopped smothering him – I was more a friend than his in-house doctor. 

I'd stayed over at Mitchell's place for a couple of days merely to reconnect. It helped a lot and we enjoyed our time together. However, I needed to get back to my place and back into my normal routine. Traveling to and from the hospital took longer from Mitchell's penthouse and my sleep deprivation was catching up. 

I accompanied Leo earlier in the week to his appointment to check on his progress. He got another lumbar puncture done and struggled with pain and nausea for a day but other than that, he seemed alright. I didn't check in daily anymore but he promised he'd call if he wasn't feeling well. 

I glanced at the clock and Mitchell was well over an hour late. I got back, showered, and prepared us dinner and he still wasn't home. The sun had already set and just as I was about to call, Mitchell walked in. 

"Hey you," I greeted. "I was about to pull a Mitch and send out a search party."

Mitchell tossed his jacket on the sofa and loosened his tie as he approached me. He appeared tired and in a bad mood. He struggled with the knot on his tie and irritably tried to take it off. I placed the laptop that was on my lap on the seat beside me and stood. 

"Before you strangle yourself, let me." Mitchell deeply sighed and I undid his tie. "Bad day?"

Mitchell undid the top few buttons on his shirt and kissed my temple. "Hi, I'm sorry I didn't greet you straight away."

"Screw the formalities." I waved him off. "I'll just punish you later in the bedroom with a few spanks."

Mitchell arched a brow and I laughed. I straightened a crease on his shirt and stared into his tired eyes. "What happened?"

Mitchell pinched the bridge of his nose and took in a deep breath. "I was in Brooklyn all day. The builder working on Kelsey's building fucked up and now we might need to take an entire section down and hire someone new."

"So, you did have a bad day."

"Shit day." Mitchell inched closer and pecked my lips. "But I already feel better after seeing you. It's nice coming home every evening to you."

I openly checked him out and winked. "I can't deny that your place has some great views."

"And wouldn't it be nice to come home to some great views every day?" 

"A girl can only dream."

"Not really," Mitchell said. "It wouldn't be the worst idea if you moved in with me."

I stilled and didn't know how to react. Being roommates in the past was fine but moving in as a couple was a huge step that I wasn't sure I was ready to take. I was at a loss for words and the eagerness in Mitchell's eyes didn't help.

I nervously chuckled and ran a hand through my hair. "Do you really want to put your mental well-being and peace on the line like that?"

"If I don't get irritated at least twice a day when I'm with you, then you aren't Mila and I'm not Mitch," Mitchell replied. "Annoying me is your love language and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Gross." I scrunched my nose. "You sound like a lovesick fool." 

Mitchell bopped my nose. "I love you more when you say stupid shit like that."

"Stop being cute and saying things that give me butterflies," I scolded. "Or I'll be left with no choice but to be extra nice to you."

Mitchell dramatically gasped. "We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Mitchell took my hands in his and stared into my eyes. "I mean it, Mila, I'd love for you to move in with me."

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