I Trusted You

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I dug around my bag with shaky hands for my phone. I wanted to book a cab as quickly as possible and get the hell away from Mitchell. I couldn't believe my eyes – my mind kept playing back the same image repeatedly. 

If someone told me that Mitchell would've jumped into bed with someone so soon after we broke up and after claiming he still loved me, I would've never believed it. But I saw everything with my eyes and began to doubt if I ever knew Mitchell in the first place. 

He slept with someone after he walked out on me the first time even though he was in love with me. I don't think I should be that surprised.

I would've done anything to get the picture of Mitchell in bed with another woman out of my head. I didn't see her face but all I knew was that she slept on her stomach with blonde hair covering her face. It hurt even more because she lay on what was once my side of the bed.

"Mila!" Mitchell called out to me and I heard his footsteps from behind. 

I panicked and my phone slipped before I was able to book a cab. Nevertheless, I doubted a cab would've arrived quick enough before Mitchell caught up to me. Christmas Eve was always busy with last-minute shoppers crowding the roads and streets. My heart raced and I wanted nothing more than to just disappear.

My eyes landed on Mitchell's car keys that sat on the kitchen counter. In a state of desperation, I grabbed it and bolted for the front door. 

Just as my fingers were about to close around the doorknob, Mitchell grabbed my arm. He spun me around and his face was not of the man I loved anymore. I couldn't look at him without feeling betrayed and disgusted. 

I pulled my hand out of his grasp. "Do not touch me!"

Mitchell immediately pulled back and rubbed his temples. He squinted his eyes and grimaced. "Alright," his voice was a little groggy. "I won't touch you but please hear me out."

I'd only seen Mitchell hungover once before but this time he looked the worst. If I wasn't so hurt and upset, I would've felt bad at how pathetic and almost uncomfortable he looked. 

"It seems you aren't about ethics but it's bad manners to chat with your ex while last night's leftovers are still in your bed," I spat. 

Mitchell couldn't look at me and I wasn't sure if it was because of guilt or how shit he felt. A tiny part of me was relieved that he was dressed but that didn't mean nothing happened the previous night. 

"Let me explain," he muttered. 

"Nothing you say will make me stay so save your breath!" I didn't give him a chance to reply, opened the door, and stormed out. 

I headed straight for the elevator. I repeatedly pressed the button for the elevator to arrive sooner. Thankfully, it was only two floors away and arrived soon. I heard Mitchell call after me and his steps were a little sluggish or he would've caught up sooner. 

I hastily got in, pressed for the underground parking lot, and hastily clicked for the door to close. 

"Mila wait!" With his hand out, Mitchell quickened his steps. 

"Close puta madre!" I snapped at the elevator and just as Mitchell approached, the door shut in his face. 

It wasn't difficult to find Mitchell's black SUV. His car was parked in a reserved space and once the elevator took its sweet time to reach the basement parking lot, I rushed to the vehicle. Whatever logic and ethics I had left in me disappeared the minute I saw Mitchell in bed with another woman. The only thing I wanted was to get as far away as possible from Mitchell and everything else. 

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