Wedding Date

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All my life, I'd been taught to be strong and faced every obstacle with strength but after losing Mom, I realized how hard one could fall. This time, I had to put up a strong front because if I caved, Leo would've too. I promised I'd be by his side through everything and I planned on keeping my word.

However, in the week I spent with him, I saw how much he struggled. He was not only frustrated from taking a lot of medication but the side effects drained him. The Leo I knew was strong and one of the fittest people I knew and seeing him breathless after walking up the stairs broke my heart.

Leo didn't want to stop working and move back in with his parents just as yet so I made it my responsibility to check on him every day. I stocked up on fresh produce and took care of his meals. Leo hated the smoothies and fresh juices I took over every morning before work but I refused to leave until he finished every drop. He wasn't happy with the tasteless, healthy meals either but he knew it was what his body needed.

In the evenings, I only left after he fell asleep and when I was alone, I allowed myself to feel grief.

I shut the television off and covered Leo with a blanket. He shifted to his side and I didn't miss the discomfort on his face as he moved. Today was a bit of a rough day for him, he had possibly the worst side effects yet. He missed work because of high fever and his body aches were so severe that he barely managed to get out of bed.

I wanted to skip work but he assured me he'd be fine and if needed, he'd call. I dropped by during lunch and he was a lot better but by dinner, he took a turn again and threw up everything he ate. I was able to help relieve some of his symptoms with medication and after he filled his stomach with some soup, he fell asleep while watching a movie.

I combed his hair back with my fingers and smiled down at him. "Sweet dreams."

I was about to leave but in a half-asleep state, Leo gripped my hand. ""

"Shh," I hushed and caressed his hand. "Get some rest, I'll be over first thing."

"Hmm." Leo lightly pressed his lips over my hand.

I took slow steps back to my apartment and let out the emotions I bottled up in front of Leo. It killed me to see him so sick and almost helpless. When we were together, we laughed and it was a lot like old times but a constant grey cloud loomed over our heads.

With shaky hands, I breathed in deeply and opened the front door. As soon as I stepped into the apartment, the key slipped from my hand and I got way too mad at the silly mishap.

"¡Joder!" I picked up the key and threw it across the room. "¡Vete al infierno!"

"Bad day?"

Startled by the deep, masculine voice I yelped and held onto my chest. My eyes scanned the dimly lit room until I spotted Mitchell. He leaned against the island counter in my kitchen with one hand in his pocket.

Seeing Mitchell after a week that felt like ten lifetimes, lifted a ton of weight off my shoulders. Relief washed through me as our gazes locked. I tossed my bag aside, kicked the front door shut with my leg, and ran towards him.


I threw myself in Mitchell's arms and the first thing I did was breathe in his familiar scent. I stood on my tippy toes and buried my face at the crook of his neck. Mitchell held me tightly and the warmth his embrace offered was long overdue.

Mitchell gently ran his fingers through my hair. "I missed you too."

"You were gone for way too long."

"It's only been a week."

"It felt like forever."

Mitchell held me for a long minute until we reluctantly pulled away. Mitchell sensed my distress and cupped my cheeks. He studied my features with a look of concern on his face. "What's wrong?"

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