Chapter 6

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The handshake wasn't much. It didn't feel like there was any contract sealed or whatever. Neither of us knew what to do. The guy—who I now knew was a deamon—just sat on my floor, staring at me. I wasn't sure if we were having a staring contest or something but I didn't break eye contact.
"So uh...what's your name?"
He shrugged.
"I have lots of names, you can just call me...y'know what, you can come up with a name for me!"
I thought to myself for a moment, then an idea popped into my head.
"How about Adam?"
"Ha! Like Adam and Eve?"
"I guess so. I don't know. The name seemed to fit you somehow."
He seemed to think it over, then nodded.
"Sure, you can call me Adam. What about you?"
"Oh right."
I had forgotten to tell him my name before, there wasn't really a chance to.
"I'm Damien."
"That's a basic name lol."
I frowned. He was more annoying than I would've expected a deamon to be.
"How do you even know the term 'lol'? Didn't you say you haven't been here for a long time?"
"I hear stuff in hell. I guess I picked up some slang over time."
" there anything you want to do?"
Adam looked around my room, as if trying to get ideas from the surroundings.
"Can we go outside?"
"It's 1am..."
"...Okay let's go."

"Hm, so this is how the human world looks now."
We had walked to the park. It was fairly quiet, besides the sounds of New Years celebrations all over. Adam was looking around. At the sky, the trees, the grass, and the small lake at the center of the park.
"How long has it been since you were last here?"
"I think about...five-hundred-eightyy...three years."
I hissed through my teeth. He looked a little...I suppose sad would be the closest word for it. He almost seemed like he was regretting something.
"Alright dude, let's go back. We're technically not supposed to be out here at this time."
"What do you mean?"
"Most places have a 'dusk till dawn' rule, it means you're not supposed to be here from sunset to sunrise."
"That sounds idiotic, why was that made?!"
"I don't know dude. Look, I'm tired and hungry, let's go home and I'll make some spaghetti."
Adam tilted his head in confusion.
"What's spaghetti?"
"How do you know 'lol' but you don't know what spaghetti is?!"

Hey y'all! Sorry it's short again, I've been trying to finish Amphibia and I just started Voltron too. I'll try to make the next chapter longer!

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