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3rd Person Pov:

"Oi, take it easy, Barbara. You're breaking the hideout." stated Cislo, not liking how worked up his friend got. Barbara, however, was having none of it. She tightened her hands into fists, yelling at Emma.

"Demons are monsters that should be exterminated!" She got so mad that the table that she was standing on cracked partly. "Barbara! Stop it, Barbara." ordered Cislo, a cold glare directed towards the brown haired girl.

Barbara turned her head to the side, muttering something underneath her breath. Vincent, wanting to somewhat change the subject, said: "IT's too late for that path. There's no stopping the boss' plan now."

That statement caused Emma's eyes to widen even more. She stared at Vincent in shock, while (Y/N) slowly got up, her hands shaking ever so slightly.

Vincent said: "The boss is moving the plan up. This morning, he started with his strategy. Even if you chase after him, you won't make it in time. By the time he returns, no one will be able to stop it."

Thinking for a moment, Ray asked: "You said he was out of the office, so just where is Norman at right-" Vincent cut him off: "He went to meet them." "Them? Wait, don't tell me..." trailed (Y/N) off, taking a step back. She then turned her head to look at her friends, saying: "Norman vaguely hinted at this. This is seriously bad!"

Somewhere else:

Demons stood everywhere, their eyes set on the only two human beings amongst them. The taller, yet younger one of the two reached to grab his weapon, only to have the other one say: "It's alright, Zazie. Put your sword back."

The Demon said: "My apologies. It's because you look so delicious." "I don't mind. I presume it's entirely because of your food shortage as of late." stated the white haired boy nonchalantly, his blue eyes suddenly sharpening.

"Besides, you should understand perfectly. Rather than eating us here right now, using us a leverage and forming an alliance would be more beneficial to you, many times over. And this is the only option you have if you want to go back to a life without worrying about human meat." he said, knowing fully well that he had the upper hand in these negotiations.

But still, he played it off, like he was far underneath those Demons, even if he was far superior. "So, which will it be, my lord?" he asked, to which another Demon slowly stepped up, saying: "Come right this way."

It was the real leader of those Demons, much like Norman already knew. So, he gladly followed the Demon. That Demon was definitely different. It was huge, and its clothing was far more fancy than of those he had seen before.

Then, it spoke again. "Thank you for taking the journey, William Minerva." Norman, looking up at the huge being, said: "It's been a while. Thank you for meeting us on such short notice, lord Giran."

The Demon seemed impressed, saying: "Oho... You said 'next time, one other subordinate and I will come alone'. To think that was actually the truth..."  Norman smiled a little, saying: "Trust. That's the first thing you need when forming an alliance. Zazie."

Upon hearing his name being called out, Zazie grabbed a bag and threw it in front of him, causing it to open a bit. The Demon's gasped, some of them starting to drool. "It's not much, but please accept this present. These are all high-grade staff from the mass-profuction farm we destroyed the other day. If you'd like, feel free to help yourselves to them later." said Norman, like he didn't just put a few corpses on display.

Lord Giran said: "How thoughtful. That's very helpful. Thank you for those." "Now then, let's get down to business." stated Norman, taking a seat at a long table to their left. Lord Giran sat down at the opposite side, asking: "I'll inquire once more. What is that you request of us, and what can you offer in return?"

Not even hesitating a single second, Norman said: "What I want is combat strength. What I can offer you is victory. And a means to fulfil your revenge. 700 years ago, your noble family was betrayed and fell to ruins. That's how your forms have declined to such an extent. I promise to present the heads of the royal family and the five regent homes to you."

He took a break from talking, noticing how his words really got to the Lord. "If we can do away with the current regime of the royal family and five regent homes, you would be able to return to being the central figure in this system. After taking revenge, the Demon world would belong to you. I'd like to make you the king." said Norman, still smiling ever so slightly.

Lord Giran immediately asked: "And what would you get in return?" His smile widened a little, and Norman answered: "The liberation of all cattle children. In addition, I'd like you to allow them to govern themselves."

At that statement of his, the Demons' were shocked beyond relief. One of them wanted to say something, but Norman beat them to it. "I have no intentions of depriving you of all of your food, of course. After all of the current cattle children are freed, I'll provide you the facilities of the plantations as they are. And in return, you can do as you please with the Ratri clan."

Chuckling softly, Norman added: "With one exception. My dear little sister comes from that same bloodline, but she'll stay with the cattle children." The Demon thought for a moment, contemplating his options.

So, as to sweeten the deal, Norman said: "You can eat them. You can cultivate new ones, too. Don't worry. With the current technology the Ratri clan has, even with just one hair, it should be possible to create hundreds of humans. If that's what you're looking for, I'll pass on all of the research data from Lambda to you."

Finally speaking up, the lord said: "So you're saying cattle children have 1'000 years worth of their own revenge, huh? Or could you be going after them for your own personal retribution, James Ratri?"

Not getting an answer, the Demon Lord spoke up once more. "However, you are correct. The Ratri clan is certainly tightly woven with the royal family and the five regent homes. They've been a thorn in our side. If we can eat them while still ridding ourselves of them, it would be two birds with one stone."

Holding out a contract towards the Demon, Norman said: "Let's join hands. In order to survive, and for both of us to get revenge. I have a plan just for this, and adequate information to carry it out. Because the Ratri clan is so ingrained in the Center of influence, I've obtained some insider information."


Picture from:


the Pain of Truth [Ray X Reader] (the Promised Neverland)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora