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3rd Person Pov:

"It changed... This is the 'true form'?" asked Ray, looking around. They were now standing inside a cube that seemed to be transparent. Emma gasped lightly, saying: "This... Could it be..." Nodding, (Y/N) said: "A cube with sides ten Ri long."

Ray thought for a moment, then began mumbling to himself. "So it really is our consciousness that interferes with this space. If that is so, the consciousness is energy as well... But before that, that means the door from back then was the entrance to a higher-dimensional world. No, that's not so impossible..." And so on.

Suddenly, he turned to look at his fiancée, asking: "Hey (Y/N), could it be that 「 」is-" He stopped midsentence as Emma said: "Guys, look!" The young couple looked over at their friend, who was pointing at a floating, black ball inside some cubes. It looked bizarre, to say the least.

"What is this?" asked Emma, tilting her head a little. "A ball?" asked Ray, inspecting the item in front of them. His eyes widened a little as he said: "No... This is a hole."

Somewhere else:

3rd Person Pov:

Ayshe perked up, having noticed something in their surroundings. "What's wrong?" asked Don, not liking how their very strong and very capable companion was reacting. Hayato, however, didn't pay them any mind.

He kept on walking, saying: "You know, even though we have to escape from Demons, searching for Demons, too, is really hard, isn't it?" Immediately noticing the Demon that stood behind Hayato, Gilda called out to him. "Hayato!" "Huh?"

He let out a scream, backing away as Ayshe readied herself, about to pull the trigger on her gun in order to kill the Demon off. However, right before she could do so, Don threw a rock at the Demon, then whistled, gaining its attention. Don began to ran, luring the Demon away from the others while Gilda told them to follow her.

And just a few minutes later, all four of them were safe, and the Demon had successfully been lured away. "Thank you so much! I mean, Mr. Don, I'm so glad you're okay! But why would you do something so dangerous? If you killed it, it would have been much easier and quicker, too." noted Hayato, clinging onto Don as if his life depended on it.

Chuckling nervously, Don said: "Well, there was just one of them, and the terrain made it easy to escape. Bullets are valuable and they make noise. We should leave as few traces behind as possible, and it'll make things safer later on."

Hayato, on the verge of crying, said: "Then wouldn't it be okay to kill them with a bow?!" Scratching his chin, Don smiled sheepishly, saying: "Well, if we can end things without killing, then it'd be best to do that, I think."

Time skip: night time

Gilda Pov:

"I'll go gather firewood!" called Hayato out, about to run off. I said: "Be careful.", while watching him leave. Glancing over at Ayshe, who was asleep next to her dogs, I quickly went over to Don, telling him what I noticed today.

In a quiet voice, I said: "Hey, Don, did you notice those during the day?" "Eh?" "Those footprints... They looked exactly similar." Realizing what I meant, he said: "The one that's always with Sonju and Mujika was here?"

I nodded, and he said: "To actually get something so soon... Is it a clue?" I shook my head, answering: "No, I still don't know. It could be a different horse." "What do we do? If this really is Mujika and Sonju, then..." trailed Don off, his face showing a mixture of panic and worry.

We'll meet them soon. We won't let Ayshe kill them. And for that, what we need to do is... "That's right. Don, that's why-" I started, only to have an unfamiliar voice cut me off. "I see now. You guys are planning on letting the evil blood escape."

Confused, I slowly turned my head, looking right into Ayshe's eyes. "Why...?" I hesitantly asked, quickly adding:" You... can understand our language, Ayshe?" After hesitating for a moment, she spoke again.

"'Why'? Are you asking why I understand your language? Or could it be about why I've kept so quiet? It's because I hate them." she said, catching both me and Don completely off guard. Is she not working with them because she wants to?

Tightening her hands into fists, she said: "He, in fact, did eat human meat, but to me, he was a father. He taught me language. And taught me about the world. He raised me as family, not as food. He was my one and only father." This is... Ayshe...

"And then those guys killed him. They are my enemies. That's why I hate them so much, and why I don't want to speak. I'm acting ignorant, and following their orders. All so that I can survive the situation I've been put in." she added, looking at the ground.

Taking the initiative, I said: "We're not so different, you know. We also-" However, she cut me off. "I know." A bit confused, I asked: "You... You know?" She nodded, a light smile on her lips as she looked up at the bright stars above us.

"She has an incredible talent to observe. She figured me out within no more than five minutes after meeting me. And she's a quick learner, too. In less than an hour, she managed to learn the basics of the language I grew up with." said Ayshe, quietly adding: "(Y/N) is an amazing person."

My eyes widened as I looked over at Don, who, apparently, thought the same as me. She knew this would happen?! How is that even possible?! (Y/N) is... just on a completely different level.

Smiling a little, I said: "Then you know what's going on here, don't you?" Ayshe nodded, saying: "(Y/N) did inform me about your 'Demon friends', yes. And her plan, of course." Then, Don asked: "Hey, Ayshe... Did Norman- Uh, did the boss order Mujika and Sonju to be killed?"

"I don't know. I haven't received an order like that." she answered quickly, much to our relief. "Rather, I was ordered to-" she began, but we both cut her off. "We're so glad!" She took a small step back, and both Don and me began crying a little, happy that Norman had reconsidered his decision to kill our friends.

3rd Person Pov:

Standing in front of people that all looked similar to Adam, Hayato spoke to Jin. "I see. So no tracks today, either." repeated Jin, thinking about what Hayato had just told him. Nodding, Hayato replied with a simple: "Yeah."

"But we'll find them soon. Got it? We'll the cursed blood as soon as we find them. Just like the boss ordered!" said Jin, his commands directed at the other people behind him.


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